After caring for your loved ones, a decision to leave a gift in your will to United Way is an extraordinary statement of your values and commitment to future-proofing our community. With your future gift, you are acknowledging the unignorable issues that impact our community today and ensuring that the issues of tomorrow can be addressed.
Already made a gift?
If you have included a legacy gift to United Way Greater Toronto in your estate plans, please let us know by sending us your completed form.

Community organizations like United Way need to be there to take care of people and to support the long-term stability of the social services sector. Planning for a bequest that will benefit future generations has been a valuable conversation for our family.
Neil Harris and Katie Taylor, United Way donors
Ways to give
A gift of life insurance
- Make a large gift for the future with a small amount today
- Can be structured so that you experience the tax benefits now and during your lifetime
Gift of life insurance form

I live in the middle of Toronto and I see the inequalities. For me, community is about caring for each other. That’s why it’s important to give—what might seem like a small amount can have a significant impact.
Nancy Hardy, United Way Legacy Giving donor
What legacy will you leave?
For a confidential discussion about including United Way Greater Toronto in your will and other donation options please contact Jennifer Chegus at or 416-777-1444 ext. 288.
The difference you make possible
Read our 2020-2021 Annual Report to learn how your gift fuels meaningful community change, today and tomorrow.