Local members of the following unions actively supported United Way through their partnership on workplace campaigns at unionized workplaces across our community in 2020. United Way and the Regional Labour Councils of Toronto, York and Peel proudly recognize their contributions.
Labour Partners | Air Line Pilots International Association | Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists | Amalgamated Transit Union |
American Federation of Musicians of the United States | Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario | Association of Postal Officials of Canada | Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers’ and Grain Millers’ International Union |
Canadian Airline Dispatchers Association | Canadian Labour Congress | Canadian Media Guild | Canadian National Railways Police Association |
Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union | Canadian Pacific Police Association | Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association | Canadian Union of Brewery and General Workers |
Canadian Union of Postal Workers | Canadian Union of Public Employees | Directors Guild of Canada (Ontario) | Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario |
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers | International Union of Operating Engineers |
Labourers’ International Union of North America | National Union of Public and General Employees | Ontario Federation of Labour | Ontario Nurses’ Association |
Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union | Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation | Ontario Teachers Federation | OPSEU Liquor Board Employees Division |
Plumbers and Steamfitters Union | Practical Nurses Federation of Ontario | Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada | Public Service Alliance of Canada |
Service Employees’ International Union Canada | Society of Energy Professionals | Teamsters Canada | Toronto Police Association |
Toronto Professional Firefighters Association | Unifor | UNITEHERE! Canada | United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America |
United Food and Commercial Workers Canada | United Steelworkers | Workers United | York University Faculty Association |
York University Staff Association |