List of funded programs
In response to the increased need caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way launched an emergency fund—the Local Love Fund—to support vulnerable people across Peel, Toronto and York Region. The dollars raised go to our network of 280 community agencies, funding new programs and helping to increase access to much-needed services.
In addition to this emergency funding, United Way acted as a trusted partner to the federal government, helping to allocate funding from the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and federal Reaching Home investments in York Region, as part of Canada’s Homelessness Strategy.
Most recently, we are proud to have partnered with United Way Centraide Canada and the Government of Canada to deliver the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) in Peel, Toronto and York Region.
For details on all of these programs you can scroll down to see the list of agencies for each funding stream.
Agency | Region | Description |
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services | Toronto | Provides 3-month emergency food supplies to 30 high-need, Black 2SLGBTQ refugees with impermanent immigration status. |
ACCES Employment | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Provides grocery gift cards for 80 racialized newcomers experiencing food insecurity and 20 tablets to acccess virtual programming. |
Addiction Services for York Region | York Region | Provides 8-week grief counselling services for residents of York Region who have experienced loss as a result of the pandemic. |
African Community Services of Peel | Peel | Provides food baskets for 180 Black families in Peel experiencing food insecurity. |
Allan Gardens Food Bank | Toronto | Enables purchase of additional food to supplement increased demand at food bank which serves 500 weekly. |
Alliance Canada Congo | Toronto | Provides food/basic needs hampers for 60+ Black francophone seniors or individuals with physical disabilities, mental illnesses and chronic diseases; 10 volunteers will be trained to assist with delivery. |
Asian Community AIDS Services | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Provides bi-weekly good food box delivery for 2 months for 40 Asian individuals living with AIDS. |
Aurora Seniors Association | York Region | Supplements cost of equipment and materials to safely re-open services for 1,500 seniors in Aurora. |
Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services | Toronto | Covers staff and community ambassador honoraria for bi-weekly virtual mental health drop-ins & intergenerational engagement initiatives for 140 Bangladeshi youth and seniors, and culturally specific food supports for 50 families. |
Black Creek Community Farm | Toronto | Covers 1 month of weekly good food box delivery to 100 households/400 individuals to racialized residents in the Jane and Finch community. |
Blue Door | York Region | Provides support to safely re-open services to address urgent basic needs. |
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place | Toronto | Provides grocery cards for 250 racialized food bank clients facing multiple barriers in COVID hotspots in Rexdale. |
Breakaway Community Services | Toronto | Provides 5 weeks of $25 food vouchers for 80 people living with mental health issues and substance dependency to supplement food bank offerings. |
Caledon Community Services | Peel | Provides 120 children living in rural areas with ‘back to school’ support. |
Caledon Meals on Wheels | Peel | Delivers hot meals and grocery baskets to 10 seniors or people with disabilities over 8 months. |
Canadian and African Women Aid Program | Peel | Distributes grocery cards, activity kits and hygiene packs monthly for 100 children and youth to address food insecurity and increase opportunities for recreation. |
Canadian Center for Community Advancement | Toronto | Provides $60 voucher for food, basic needs and transit for 116 Black and racialized families living in Etobicoke and North York COVID hotspots. |
Canadian Association for Equality | Toronto | Enables 40 counselling sessions and increased intake for shelter serving men and their children experiencing intimate partner or caregiver violence. |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch | Toronto | Provides food baskets for 320 individuals experiencing mental health and substance dependency issues. |
Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region Branch | York Region | Provides 100 grocery cards, 20 cell phones and 25 phone plans to address food security and access to technology for vulnerable individuals experiencing mental health issues exacerbated by COVID-19. |
Canadian South Asian Growth and Support Services | Toronto | Covers food, staffing and administrative costs for volunteer delivery of cooked meals for 50 isolated Asian seniors over 14 weeks. |
Caregiver Connections Education and Support Organization — Trusteed by Parkdale Project Read | Toronto | Provides food and basic needs vouchers for immigrant Filipino families and supports rights and mental health information workshops for 40 Filipino female careworkers on temporary visas. |
CAYR Community Connections | York Region | Provides grocery and basic needs cards and software licensing for virtual programming to reach minimum of 55 individuals living with HIV/AIDS. |
Centre francophone du Grand Toronto | Peel,Toronto, York Region | Provides culturally appropriate food hampers for 50 Black individuals/families. |
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto | Toronto | Provides gift cards, transportation and other supports for 250 individuals or families disproportionately affected by COVID-19. |
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation | York Region | Gift cards for 84 Reserve Members to address increased lack of access to food and basic needs exacerbated by Covid. |
Christ Healing Evangelical Church – Faith Chapel | Peel | Provides 75 children with snacks and hygiene packs for 3 months. |
Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | Covers outdoor dining set-up — tables, chairs, umbrellas — to provide meals and programming for 180 individuals experiencing homelessnes through to October. |
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre | Toronto | Provides monthly gift cards for basic necessities for 4 non-status, racialized families led by single mothers living in the shelter but not eligible for social assistance. |
Church of St. Laurence | Peel | Delivers 85 non-perishable food hampers to Spanish-speaking senior and newcomers households living in Mississauga, reaching 250 individuals. |
Community Resilience to Extreme Weather (CREW), a project of MakeWay Charitable Society | Toronto | Provides 60 food cards and event series — small group and outdoor gatherings, gardening, guided walks — to address social isolation and anxiety for 25-30 isolated and racialized residents of St. Jamestown. |
Connecting Women with Scarborough Services, a project of MakeWay Charitable Society | Toronto | Funds outreach and coordination support for women experiencing violence during the pandemic. |
Creating Alternatives Day Program | York Region | Covers 3-month tent rental to safely offer community space and programming. |
DEEN Support Services | Peel | Supports staffing costs for additional in-person program hours assisting 3 racialized individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. |
Dixon Hall | Toronto | Provides 50 weekly food hampers for individuals with mental illness and substance dependency, who live in precarious housing. |
East York Meals on Wheels | Toronto | Delivers, in partnership with The Neighbourhood Organization, halal meals twice a week to 150-200 individuals from the Muslim community experiencing food insecurity. Includes 300 consultations and follow-up visits. |
Elizabeth Fry Toronto | Toronto | Covers staffing and operations costs to extend the mobile outreach program to October, with a focus on at-risk Indigenous and Black women in underserved areas of Toronto outside the downtown core. |
Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women | Toronto | Provides food vouchers, baby items, grocery cards and other necessities for 150 racialized young mothers. |
Eparchy of Mississauga | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Provides food hampers and grocery cards to to 250 households. |
Eritrean Canadian Community Center Of Metropolitan Toronto | Peel,Toronto, York Region | Provides mini laptops and digital literacy training for 35 Black newcomer single mothers with 3 to 5 children living in the GTA. |
Eshkiniigjik Naandwechigegamig, Aabiish Gaa Binjibaaying – ENAGB Indigenous Youth Agency | Toronto | Covers food vouchers for Indigenous youth and furnishings for newly opened location in Weston. |
Evangel Hall | Toronto | Covers staff and food costs to help meet growing demand for the agency’s drop-in for individuals experiencing homelessness — includes 200 meals and 50 meal deliveries daily and a weekly vaccination clinic. |
FCJ Refugee Centre | Peel,Toronto, York Region | Covers 4 months of weekly grocery cards and food for 400 racialized newcomers with impermanent immigration status. |
Feeding Canadian Kids | Toronto | Provides almost 5,000 healthy meals for 200 Black and racialized children attending summer camp and after-school programs at Eastview Community Centre and Albion Neighborhood Community Centre through March. |
FoodShare Toronto | Toronto | Extends Good Food Box program to November, covering an additional 1,200 boxes and collaborating with 4 organizations to reach people disproportionately affected by COVID. |
Free For All Foundation | Peel | Provide 9,362 kilos of food to 100 individuals and families in need, over the course of 16 weeks. |
Frontlines | Toronto | Covers twice weekly food supports from August to December for 200 families in Weston and surrounding neighbourhoods impacted by COVID by employing Black youth graduates and students from the Front Burners Culinary training program. |
Fruitful Communities | Peel, Toronto | Provides 50 seniors with meal supplements, personal protective items and grocery gift cards. |
Gandhian Initiative for Development of Support Services | Peel | Cost of part-time driver to extend schedule of daily meal and food delivery service of the GIDSS Food Bank to serve an additional racialized, low income 1,500 individuals, including seniors, and individuals experiencing homelessnes or violence. |
GlobalMedic | Toronto | Distributes non-perishable food to clients of the Canadian Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Health Care (CCRIHC), most of whom are racialized and undocumented. |
Glorious Women of Wonders | Peel | Provides 100 grocery cards to support vulnerable seniors in Brampton. |
Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church | Toronto | Provides 250 backpacks with supplies, 50 grocery cards and support with other basic needs for marginalized youth. |
Growing Neighbourhoods Foundation | Toronto | Covers three months of daily meals and beverages for 20 unhoused individuals from Black, African, Caribbean and First Nations communities. |
Hand Up Toronto | Toronto | Provides food hampers for up to 500 families located in the Greater Toronto Area. |
Haven on the Queensway | Peel, Toronto | Supports staffing, purchase of food, essential items — diapers, formula, sleeping bags — and activity kits for 200 food bank clients for 34 weeks. |
Haven Toronto | Toronto | Covers food and associated costs to help meet doubling in demand for the agency’s 250-400 daily meals for older men experiencing homelessness or precarious housing. |
Health Out Loud | Toronto | Provides peer-to-peer support and covers food and basic needs for 120 racialized youth experiencing mental illness and substance dependency and/or living in care. |
Heart Beatz/Cliffcrest Community Centre | Toronto | Provides food and supplies for virtual youth cooking program for 20 Black and racialized youth to cook 1440 family dinners for approximately 80 individuals over 18 weeks. |
Home on the Hill Supportive Housing | York Region | Covers 16-week individual and group recreational therapy supports for 10 clients with severe mental health issues, substance dependency and/or intellectual disability. |
Hope 24/7 | Peel | Covers staffing cost for part-time consultant to develop and train recruits for a volunteer peer support program for additional community outreach. |
Humanity First | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Covers additional supports to meet growing demand for delivery of food, basic needs and other supports for 100 isolated and racialized families monthly. |
Jane Alliance Neighborhood Services | Toronto | Funds staffing, food and supports for weekly delivery of 50 food hampers per participating agency of the York-Weston Pelham Cluster, supporting 54,000 seniors, Black and racialized food bank clients over the 8-month initiative. |
Jane Finch Community Ministry | Toronto | Provides monthly $10 gift cards to 120 racialized food bank recipients to help meet basic needs. |
KCWA Family and Social Services | Peel,Toronto, York Region | Delivers monthly culturally appropriate food hamper and increases wellness checks for 30 Korean women and their children who are experiencing gender-based violence. |
Kennedy House | Toronto | Covers staff support, food vouchers and meal costs for past residents of youth shelter experiencing food insecurity. |
Kidnetix Kidz Association | Peel | Supports therapeutic program adddressing mental health impact of pandemic on 125 children. |
Krasman Centre | York Region | Funds peer support staffing, food, clothing and essential items at local drop-in centre for Georgina Island First Nation community members seeking culturally appropriate mental health supports. |
Lady Ballers Camp | Peel, Toronto | Adds evening staffing to the daily Dial-a-Counsellor program accessed by 70 Black and South Asian youth participants and provides cameras for 30 youth for summer Photo-Voice mental health program. |
Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region | Peel | Covers 300 hours of academic support provided by tutors knowledgeable in learning strategies, literacy and math skills and behavioural/social development of 15 children and youth with learning disabilities. |
Lumenus Community Services | Toronto | Provides grocery cards ranging from $100-250 for 120 children, youth and adults over 2 months. |
Luso Canadian Charitable Society | Peel, Toronto | Supports purchase of equipment and materials to enable safe provide provision of services and technology for virtual programming. |
MABELLEarts | Toronto | Covers community member staffing costs for 8 months to help meet growing demand for community-led, grassroots local food pantry which serves 550 households. |
Malvern Food Bank | Toronto | Provides weekly delivery of food hampers and grocery cards to 150 low income families. |
Matthew House Toronto | Toronto | Covers cost of isolation beds, food and staffing for refugee-focused settlement house. |
Muslim Children’s Aid and Support Services | Toronto | Provides $50 grocery cards for 50 racialized children participating in 6-week soccer program. |
Newcomer Centre of Peel | Peel | Covers lending of Chromebooks to 16 racialized newcomer families so they can access daily summer programming for children. |
Newmarket Co-operative Homes Inc — Trusteed by CHATS | York | Provides $100 grocery cards for 35 racialized households to augment fresh food and basic necessities not always available through the Co-ops Food Bank. |
North American Muslim Foundation | Toronto | Delivers 300 culturally appropriate fresh produce and staples food hampers to Muslim families. |
Ontario Learning Development Foundation Inc. | Toronto, York Region | Expands Peel-based culturally appropriate food program to additional 50 vulnerable Black households living in Toronto and York Regions. |
Ontario Water Centre | York Region | Expands youth gardening and food security program in Georgina and northern townships of York. |
Parents Engaged in Education | Toronto, York Region | Supports staffing to augment volunteer-based organization which provides educational goods and resources to racialized families living in Scarborough Neighbourhood Improvement Areas. |
Peel Senior Link | Peel | Purchases tablets, data and help desk support designed specifically for seniors to loan to 7 isolated seniors for one year, enabling participation in virtual programming and online services. |
Positive Community Development — Trusteed by Delta Family Resource Centre | York Region | Covers community outreach and 14 bi-weekly culturally appropriate food baskets, hygiene kits and gift cards for up to 200 isolated individuals, focusing on women/ girls facing gender-based violence. |
Rameshwar Mandir & Cultural Sabha INC | Peel | Provides 1,500 meals for 50 seniors over 10 weeks. |
Refugee Women’s Network | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Provides grocery cards and feminine hygiene supplies for 100 refugee women. |
Rexdale Women’s Centre | Toronto | Provides weekly culturally appropriate food hampers for 840 households/1,260 individuals for 2 months. |
Routes Connecting Communities Inc. | York Region | Provides groceries, transportation and social connections for low-income residents impacted by the pandemic. |
S.E.A.S. Centre | Toronto | Provides monthly delivery of gift cards for 10 unemployed Filipino families with small children. |
Sai Dham Food Bank | Peel, Toronto | Covers hygiene kits for 650 people experiencing homelessness. |
SEA Mission INC | Toronto | Provides ‘back to school’ supplies for 150 racialized students. |
Senior Tamils Society of Peel | Peel | Covers grocery cards and culturally appropriate hot meals for 170 racialized and vulnerable seniors, as well as virtual/in-person wellness checks. |
Seva Food Bank | Peel | Supports emergency food delivery to struggling families for 26 weeks. |
Shelley Cares Foundation | Toronto | Provides monthly food basket and weekly community pantry service to 80-90 Black and racialized individuals in Scarborough who are struggling to feed their families. |
Sherbourne Health | Toronto | Extends food security program, providing 100 food hampers and 250 meals to Black, Indigenous, racialized and 2SLGBTQ people, people experiencing homelessness and refugees and newcomers. |
Shine Through the Rain Foundation | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Covers grocery cards for 50 clients living with a life-threatening illness. |
Silent Voice | Peel,Toronto, York Region | Provides $50 grocery cards to 55 hearing impaired clients, and laptops to 9 clients to enable access to online programs and services. |
Sistema Toronto | Toronto | Supports staffing and food vouchers for summer music camp for 150 racialized children in Toronto. |
SMILE Canada- Support Services | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Purchases essential items for 60 racialized children and youth with disabilities and their families. |
Social Services Network | York Region, Toronto | Extends 8-month, multi-lingual virtual mental and physical health program to an additional 80 South Asian Seniors. |
SOSO World Ministries | Toronto | Provides food vouchers, sanitary products and halal meat to supplement culturally appropriate foods for Muslim clients at food banks. |
South Asian Women’s Centre | Toronto | Provides culturally appropriate food, vouchers for 150 South and West Asian families and food bank clients. |
St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club | Toronto | Supports staff training and program development to address COVID-related stressors and issues of 300 children and 50 youth in agency’s afterschool programs. |
Street Health | Toronto | Supports bi-weekly grief counselling workshops for 200 people experiencing homelessness, mental heath and substance dependency issues. |
Suffah Academy | Peel, Toronto | Supplements a youth-led, weekly food hamper delivery of staples and fresh produce to 50 Muslim seniors living in Peel and Toronto. |
Tawheed Community Centre | Peel | Provides art kits for 100 racialized and newcomer youth for an arts-based mental health support program. |
The Concerned Kids Charity of Toronto | Toronto | Supports staffing and IT costs to expand arts-based youth programming to 275 2SLBGTQ youth, including racialized and Indigenous youth. |
The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association | Peel, Toronto, York Region | Supports grocery cards and wellness checks for 300 vulnerable East, South, and Southeast Asian households, including seniors and people living with disabilities. |
The Dam | Peel | Covers staffing costs for part-time racialized youth worker for 28 weeks to support online programming, safe re-opening and high-needs youth programming. |
The Four Villages Community Health Centre | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 125 food insecure households. |
The Journey | Peel | Provides grocery cards to support 50 families over 2 months. |
The Mississauga Food Bank | Peel | Provides economically disadvantaged residents of Mississauga with almost 3,850 pounds of food. |
The PACT Urban Peace Program | Toronto | Extends weekly fresh food box to 75 low-income individuals in Lawrence Heights and Rexdale Neighbourhood Improvement Areas for 3 months. |
The Salvation Army in Canada Agincourt Community Church | Toronto | Provide vouchers to supplement regular food bank groceries for 525 households |
The Salvation Army of Central York Region | York Region | Provides 150 grocery cards and food hampers to families facing econmonic barriers due to the pandemic. |
The Yonge Street Mission | Toronto | Responds to increase in demand by supplementing purchase of food for 475 food bank clients, including street-involved or homeless youth, families experiencing poverty, and chronically poor adults, over 50% of whom are racialized. |
Toronto Foundation for Student Success | Toronto | Provides 5,000 healthy meals for Toronto District School Board students in Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas and COVID hotspots. |
Urban Squash Toronto | Toronto | Continues food voucher program to 90 racialized families in Jane and Finch area. |
VHA Home HealthCare | Peel, Toronto | Provides 8 months of food and basic needs to 100-125 marginalized newcomer individuals/seniors and families. |
Vision of Hope Resource Centre | Peel | Provides weekly food baskets to 30 families. |
Volunteer Mississauga Brampton Caledon | Peel | Provides 700 meals to vulnerable seniors in Peel. |
Working Women Community Centre | Toronto | Provides 4 monthly gift cards and wellness check-ins for 100 racialized clients of 2 Golden Mile food banks. |
Yellow Brick House | York Region | Provides grocery cards for 24 racialized women residing in temporary VAW shelter. |
YMCA of Greater Toronto | Toronto | Provides food vouchers, groceries and workshop materials for weekly independent meal preparation program, as well as life skills/well-being workshops for 25 youth at 2SLGBTQ transitional shelter program. |
Youth Now on Track Services Organization | Toronto | Supplies food, basic needs, counselling and mental health supports for 100 youth and families, focusing on families who have lost a family member to COVID. |
Youth Rising Above | Toronto | Offers food and peer mental health programming supports for 90 youth from Toronto Neighbourhood Improvement areas who are experiencing multiple barriers. |
YWCA Toronto | Toronto | Purchases 20+ Chromebooks for digital lending library for newcomers to access YWCA virtual settlement and employment programs. |
Agency | Region | Description |
360°kids | York Region | Provides grocery cards and pre-packaged meals to 25 youth and supports recruitment of staff for essential programs. |
ACCES Employment | Toronto, Peel, York Region | Provides remote access to supports through the loan of 20 tablets with data service to 200 unemployed newcomer women. |
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services | Toronto | Provides 700 people — 120 households, 60 seniors and 120 families – with seedling kits for food and activity. |
African Community Services of Peel | Peel | Distributes grocery cards to 80 families (300 people) within the African community in Brampton and Mississauga. |
Agincourt Community Services Association | Toronto | Purchases and distributes essential items to 1,000 households in North Scarborough, supporting newcomers, refugees, racialized people and seniors. |
Alzheimer Society of York Region | York Region | Provides daily prepared meals to 10 isolated people living with dementia. |
Amadeusz — Trusteed by Albion Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 14 recently incarcerated young people returning to the community, as well as peer support and programming for 25 other clients. |
Anduhyaun Inc. — Trusteed by Anishnawbe Health Toronto | Toronto | Supports sixty women and their children residing in shelters and 24 in transitional housing with food, grocery cards, clothing and essentials, as well as laptops and internet to access online resources. |
Anishnawbe Health Toronto | Toronto | Provides food, hygiene products and clothing to 250 Indigenous people each week. |
Arab Community Centre of Toronto (ACCT) — Trusteed by Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services | Toronto | Provides food baskets and essentials to 50 recent immigrants and refugees. |
Art + Health — Trusteed by CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals | Toronto | Provides culturally-specific food access for 50 seniors, with help of local injera makers and youth volunteers. |
Auberge Francophone — Trusteed by Northwood Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | Provides meals to Francophone seniors and families (200 individuals/30 families). |
Auntie Amal Community Centre — Trusteed by S.E.A.S Centre | Toronto | Provides food baskets, household essentials and laptops to 35 isolated families, including newcomers, seniors, Indigenous people, individuals with disabilities and domestic violence survivors. |
Bangladesh Centre and Community Services (BCCS) — Trusteed by Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | Provides grocery gift cards, hygiene essentials, medication and virtual programming, including yoga and group sessions, for up to 30 participants. |
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic | Toronto | Provides recycled laptops to enable remote support of 300 gender-based violence survivors, as well as food vouchers and hygiene products. |
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Toronto | Toronto | Provides tech support to help match 40 children with a mentor through a virtual mentoring program over several months. |
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention | Toronto | Supports 140 food boxes for 70 households, including newcomers, substance users, trans, MSM and HIV-positive African, Caribbean and Black individuals and their families. |
Black Creek Community Health Centre | Toronto | Supports pilot in community-based COVID-19 testing and wrap-around supports in Black Creek/Humber Summit. |
Blue Door Shelters | York Region | Provides food and other essentials through 600 meals and 135 grocery cards to 150 youth, men and families at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. |
Blue Door Support Service | York Region | Provides rental assistance for six months and start up kits to rapidly re-house individuals in their own homes. |
Boxgrove Seniors Community Wellness Club — Trusteed by Seniors Services Network | York Region | Provides virtual access to yoga, computer and English language sessions to reduce social isolation for 500 low-income, racialized, newcomer, seniors or people living with disabilities |
Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough | Toronto | Provides online education and arts programming for 165 children and youth (ages 4-21), and their families, including technological equipment for some. |
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place | Toronto | Provides 500 hygiene kits and 100 child activity packs. |
Caledon Community Services | Peel | Distributes grocery cards to 300 families including isolated seniors, those who are underhoused and people requiring mental health supports. |
Caledon Meals on Wheels | Peel | Enables delivery of food to an additional 90 seniors and people living with disabilities in Mississauga and Brampton. |
Caledon Parent-Child Centre | Peel | Provides gas and grocery cards to families with special needs children in Caledon, also enabling them to make medical appointments. |
Canadian and African Women Aid Program — Trusteed by Northwood Neighbourhood Services | Peel | Provides public health precaution equipment, grocery cards and volunteer support to 300 Afro-black immigrants in Brampton, particularly seniors. |
Canadian Mental Health Association – Peel Region | Peel | Help purchase grocery cards for 200 people experiencing homelessness. |
Canadian Mental Health Association – York Region | York Region | Provides 140 gift cards and 25 cell phones for 125 people. |
Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto Branch | Toronto | Delivers food boxes to 100 individuals struggling with mental health issues. |
Carefirst Seniors & Community Services Association | York Region | Provides tablets and data plans to allow Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi and Tamil-speaking seniors to access information and programming. |
Caribbean Global Missions/Belka Enrichment Center — Trusteed by Delta Family Resource Centre | Toronto | Covers mobile distribution of food and medication to 150 families of youth and youth with disabilities. |
CAYR Community Connections | York Region | Provides 150 people with grocery and transit cards |
Cedar Centre | York Region | Trains 24 individuals to offer secure remote counselling to children, youth and adults. |
Centre francophone du Grand Toronto | Toronto | Provides food and pharmacy vouchers to newcomer Francophone immigrants and refugees in Toronto. |
CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | York Region | Provides meals and emergency food boxes for 30 seniors. |
Chippewas of Georgina Island | Peel | Provides gift cards for 200 individuals of Georgina Island First Nation to purchase essential family hygiene products. |
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 100 newcomer/refugees and racialized individuals who are underhoused. |
Christie-Ossington Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | Covers grocery cards for 50 families, as well as 5-6 shared laptops. |
CNIB Foundation | GTA | Provides support and access to remote resources through coaching and smartphones. |
Community Family Services of Ontario | GTA | Provides technological support to enable remote mental health counselling for 200 clients, reaching newcomers, isolated seniors, racialized people, people living with disabilities and individuals impacted by domestic violence. |
Community Living Toronto | Toronto | Provides grocery kits to almost 150 people in supported living, and covers seven tablets and 20 data plans for those without access to the internet. |
Concerned Citizens for the Homeless in Newmarket | York Region | Raises awareness through social media campaign and traditional outreach strategies and provides 1,200 meals to individuals in need. |
COSTI | York Region | Provides food and hygiene kits to 500 clients and their families (1,500 people) in the Caribbean and Latin American communities, including seniors, youth, newcomers and those with undocumented status. |
Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) — Trusteed by Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention | GTA | Provides hygiene kits for 116 people living in emergency shelters. |
CultureLink Settlement and Community Services | Toronto | Covers distribution of grocery cards to 350 seniors in South Parkdale, delivered through a partnership between four local service providers. |
CyberEquality Inc. — Trusteed by YMCA of Greater Toronto | Toronto, York Region | Purchases 30 laptops to provide technological access for 40-50 households. |
DANI – Developing and Nurturing Independence | York Region | Provides equipment and internet for 200 individuals with disabilities and their families to access online learning. |
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood & Community Health Centre | Toronto | Provides up to 100 people with weekly snack packs for 12 weeks. |
DEEN Support Services – Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto, Peel | Provides technological support to over 50 individuals with disabilities to assist in accessing virtual programs. |
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto | Toronto, Peel, York Region | Funding will enable Distress Centres of Greater Toronto to purchase additional tools – headsets, remote lines, laptops and conferencing systems – so that volunteers can continue their essential mental health work remotely. |
Dixon Community Services — Trusteed Albion Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | Provides computers and internet access to 20 senior newcomer households. |
Dixon Hall | Toronto | Delivers 600 meals, meeting the dietary and cultural needs of 50 families (280 people) in downtown neighbourhoods. |
Documentation Ethnoculturelles des Jeune — Trusteed by Northwood Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | Provides prepared meals to 100 Francophone newcomer youth, with support of 10 volunteers. |
Dovercourt Boys & Girls Club | Toronto | Provides food hampers to 100 families. |
East Scarborough Storefront: A Project of Tides Canada Initiatives | Toronto | Provides fresh produce and other food to low-income families. |
Eastview Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | Provides food and essentials to 450 seniors, newcomers and low-income households. |
Eden Food for Change | Peel | Supports production and packaging of 4,800 meals — including vegetarian and halal options — to be delivered by Meals on Wheels to isolated seniors and people with disabilities in Mississauga. |
Elizabeth Fry Toronto | GTA | Provides grocery and phone cards, cellphones and data to 60+ vulnerable people experiencing domestic violence, mental health and addiction challenges. Funds will also cover additional wages for frontline staff. |
Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women — Trusteed by Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre | Toronto | Purchases used laptops to enable 100 young mothers, seniors and newcomer students in Black Creek and Humber Summit to access supports online. |
ENAGB Indigenous Youth Agency — Trusteed by St. Stephen’s Community House | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 87 Indigenous youth. |
Epilepsy Toronto | GTA | Provides computers to enable remote educational and emotional support to almost 400 people living with epilepsy. |
Eri-Ethio COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative — Trusteed by CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals | Toronto | Provides 35 individuals/12 families with $100 gift cards for groceries, telephone, internet and computer access, medications and virtual physical and mental therapy. Also prioritizes individuals not qualifying for CERB and CESB and at risk of homelessness. Volunteers will also receive honoraria for supporting members who speak Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromo, Arabic and Harari. |
Eritrean Canadian Community Centre of Metropolitan Toronto — Trusteed by Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture | GTA | Food and other necessities will be delivered to 50 vulnerable and isolated newcomer seniors and technology will be purchased to enable virtual interaction with seniors. |
Eritrean Parents Liaison Council — Trusteed by Northwood Neighbourhood Services | GTA | Support 500 families to connect with mainstream programs and services and translate COVID-19 resources into Tigrinya and Arabic. Provide low-income Eritrean children and their families with laptops or tablets and access to the internet to continue their education. |
Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter | Toronto | Distributes grocery cards to 40 female-led families impacted by domestic violence. |
Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth | Toronto | Provides meals for 123 youth living in emergency shelters or accessing day programs. |
Family Services York Region | York Region | Provides 78 families with care packages, including painting and colouring activities and games to reduce stress, art therapy exercises and activities for parents and children to engage in non-directive play therapy. |
FoodShare | Toronto | Provides planter boxes to 1,000 people/250 families living in high-rise buildings in inner suburb, priority neighbourhoods. |
Fred Victor Centre | Toronto | Purchases 1,650 grocery cards for clients living in transitional and affordable housing through a partnership with Daily Bread Food Bank and Loblaws. |
Frontline Community Centre — Trusteed by Punjabi Community Health Services | Peel | Delivers online programs featuring COVID-19 public health and government resources information four days a week to 3,000 people. |
Girls Inc. of York Region | York Region and Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation | Provides food for 32 families, hygiene products for 100 girls and teens and virtual programming for 275, including mental health support, homework help, information and other support. |
Global Medic — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA | Enables food banks to distribute food to 4,000 people. |
Golden Age Village for the Elderly — Trusteed by CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | GTA | Conducts outreach via social media, emails and phone calls to isolated seniors and provides culturally appropriate hot meals for 231 isolated Vietnamese-Canadian seniors on a weekly basis. |
Growing Neighbourhoods Foundation (Building Roots) — Trusteed by Fred Victor Centre, identified by Downtown East Cluster” | Toronto | Fresh food will be prepared and distributed to 50 underhoused people for the next few months. |
Hand Up from Hunger Toronto — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA – Toronto, Peel and York Region | Provides groceries to 2,000 families per week, supporting clients usually dependent on meals available through after-school programming. |
Haven Toronto | GTA | Provides up to 180 breakfasts and lunches daily for one month, as well as personal protection and cleaning supplies, to men over 50 experiencing homelessness. |
Homes First Society | Toronto | Provides grocery cards for food and cleaning supplies for almost 370 residents with addiction and mental health issues. |
Hong Fook Mental Health Association | GTA | Provides grocery gift cards, phones and SIM cards to 50 households across the GTA, reaching racialized populations and isolated seniors. |
Hope Place | Peel | Provides personal reproductive health kits to 75 survivors of violence. |
Horizons for Youth | Toronto | Delivers 20 laptops to a youth shelter for use by at-risk and homeless youth while in isolation. |
Hospitality Workers’ Training Centre, Second Harvest and 6 TBD community agencies | Toronto | A new emergency program will distribute 3,000 meals weekly to Toronto’s vulnerable residents struggling with food insecurity. Nutritious meals will be prepared using recovered food donated, and delivered, by Second Harvest to six downtown agencies for distribution, alleviating increased demand on food banks and drop-in services. |
Human Endeavour — Trusteed by CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | York Region | Provide foods vouchers and essentials to 32 Iraqi and Syrian newcomer and refugee families in for several months. |
Humanity First — Trusteed by Afghan Women’s Organization | Toronto, York Region | Provides food hampers to 150 immigrant and refugee families (600 individuals), prioritizing isolated seniors. |
Hummingbird Community Hub — Trusteed by Blue Door Shelters | York Region | Provides grocery cards, essentials and community garden supplies to 15 individuals experiencing homelessness. |
ICNA Relief Canada (ICNA Canada) — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA | Provides 140 food baskets to seniors, people with disabilities and single mothers. |
Imdadul Islamic Centre — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto | Provides food packages for 1,000 recently unemployed seniors and people experiencing homelessness. |
Indus Community Services | Peel | Provides laptops to enable ongoing remote support of 2,000 clients. |
Inn from the Cold | York Region | Provides rental assistance for six months and start up support, specifically for people moving from the transitional housing program to their own independent housing unit. |
Interim Place | Peel | Supports 60 survivors of domestic violence with outfitted cell phones and access to laptops and internet at two shelter locations. |
International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA | Delivers food packages and hygiene kits to 50 families. |
ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Canada — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto, Peel, York Region | Provides 500 low-income families with 3,000 kits containing food and essentials. |
Jamiat-Ul-Ansar Great Lakes Mosque | Toronto and Peel Region | Provides culturally-specific food through delivery of 25 food hampers and 400 meals per month to low-income community members. |
Jane Alliance Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | Delivers food packages and provides friendly phone check-ins to 40 seniors for six weeks. |
Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre | Toronto | Supports five to 10 neighbourhood leaders in assisting 1,500-2,500 residents in five buildings with food hampers and crisis response. |
Jewish Family & Child of Greater Toronto | GTA | Provides food, hygiene products and internet access for 200 people with complex needs. |
Jewish Russian Community Centre of Ontario | Toronto, York Region | Supports grocery and medication delivery for 50 isolated seniors each week for the next few months. |
Job Skills | York Region | Provides staff with laptops, cell phone and video conferencing equipment to continue to support clients. |
John Howard Society of Toronto | Toronto | Supports staff to provide case management for people in correctional facilities, including follow-ups with family, legal counsel and community services. |
John Howard Society of York Region | York Region | Provides grocery cards for 20 families, as well as technological support to enable remote counselling for clients involved in the criminal justice system. |
John Howard Society of York Region | York Region | Provides rental assistance for six months and start up kits, specifically for individuals involved in the criminal justice system. |
Krasman Centre | York Region | Provides grocery cards, prepared meals, clothing and outdoor survival essentials to 75 people experiencing homelessness, mental health or addiction challenges. |
La Passerelle-I.D.E. — Trusteed by Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants | Toronto | Provides food to 150 Francophone immigrant families. |
Lady Ballers Camp — Trusteed by Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic | Peel | Covers remote support and programming for 20 Black at-risk youth who are homeless and survivors of domestic violence. |
LAMP Community Health Centre | Toronto, Peel | Provides laptops, tablets and WiFi access to 200 families, seniors and isolated individuals. |
LifeCorps International — Trusteed by York Region Food Network | York Region | Provides up to 4,000 people with fresh food and produce. |
LOFT Community Services | Toronto | Provides online therapy to 75 youth experiencing mental health and addiction challenges. |
Lumacare | Toronto | Provides comfort packages and fresh food to 160 vulnerable seniors in North York. |
Maamwizdaa — Trusteed by SKETCH Working Arts | Toronto | Provides 25 Indigenous families with community care boxes, including gift cards for groceries, medicine, diapers, children’s activities and other supplies. |
MABELLEarts — Trusteed by Storefront Humber Inc. | Toronto | Provides food delivery and wellness checks for up to 70 households, including seniors and people with mental health concerns and disabilities. |
Madison Community Services | Toronto | Provides laptops to enable over 30 clients to receive ongoing mental health counselling or educational support. |
Malton Black Development Association — Trusteed by Malton Neighbourhood Services | Peel | Provides the local Black community with prepared meals for 20 seniors and vulnerable adults, phone cards for 50 families as well as virtual programming. |
Malton Neighbourhood Services | Peel | Provides culturally-appropriate food to 100 racialized individuals in Malton, including newcomers, seniors, survivors of domestic violence and those requiring mental health support. |
Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto | GTA | Provides technological support to enable remote mental health counselling for 30 clients per day, reaching newcomers, isolated seniors, racialized people and individuals impacted by domestic violence. |
Miles Nadal JCC | Toronto | Supports outreach to 1,000 vulnerable community members, including seniors and people experiencing mental illness. |
Mooreland Kids | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 100 families. |
Naseeha Youth Helpline — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA | Respond to increased requests for mental health supports by disseminating 60 tips and coping strategies through social media and hosting two informal group sessions and three webinars for youth. This project will respond to 1,642 additional calls and texts by engaging oen trained peer-to-peer counsellor. |
National Zakat Foundation — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto, Peel | Provides grocery cards to 100 low-income individuals and families. |
Newcomer Centre of Peel | Peel | Provides $60 gift cards to 70 newcomer families with children at home, for supplies, food and medication, as well as $50 gift cards to 60 seniors for nutritious food, medication and cleaning products. |
North America Muslim Foundation (NAMF) — Trusteed by Agincourt Community Services Association | Toronto | Provides 1,200 refugees, new immigrants, seniors and others with basic groceries. |
North York Community House | Toronto | Provides food boxes to 150 households (450 people), including seniors, newcomers, racialized individuals and those from other marginalized groups. |
North York Seniors Centre | Toronto | Provides virtual programming support to 450 seniors and caregivers. |
North York Women’s Centre — Trusteed by VHA Home HealthCare | Toronto | Sets up technology in the homes of 25 isolated senior women, including newcomer, refugee and racialized women residing in the York South-Weston neighbourhood, to provide access to virtual services and deliver 200 one-on-one remote sessions. |
Northwood Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | |
NPower Canada | Toronto, Peel, York Region | Provides outfitted laptops to enable 10 racialized, immigrant and refugee youth to complete industry certification exams. |
Ontario Nonprofit Network — Trusteed by Toronto Neighbourhood Centres | GTA | Supports non-profits and agencies through the curation and development of resources, including free webinars, templates, policies and procedures, addressing questions and providing access to experts. |
Opportunity for Advancement | Toronto | Provides grocery cards to 60 low-income, marginalized women. |
Our Place Peel | Peel | Provides basic needs for 35-40 youth who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. |
Parkdale Activity – Recreation Centre (PARC) | Toronto | Provides 150 seniors with seven or 14-day food hampers. |
Parya Trillium Foundation | York Region | Delivers food packages to 100 newcomer/refugee families. |
Peel Committee Against Women Abuse (PCAWA) — Trusteed by Interim Place | Peel | Covers outfitted cell phones to provide support and security to 35 women experiencing violence. |
Phap Van Vietnamese Buddhist Cultural Centre of Ontario — Trusteed by Syme-Woolner Neighbourhood and Family Centre | GTA – Toronto, Peel and York Region | Supports virtual assessments and provides 50 Vietnamese Canadian seniors with food and personal protective equipment packages. |
Planned Parenthood Toronto | Toronto | Provides grocery cards for 50 youth, non-status individuals and unemployed young parents. |
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services | Peel | Provides staff with laptops and equipment to continue to serve clients remotely. Funding also covers mobile phones to maintain communication with several refugee families. |
Project Abraham — Trusteed by Family Services York Region | York Region | Provides outdoor English lessons to 50 adults from the Yezidi refugee community. |
Project Hostel (Yellow Brick House) | York Region | Provides rental assistance for six months and start up support, specifically for women and children transitioning from a shelter to live free from violence in the community. |
Prosper Canada | GTA | Develops Financial Relief Navigator, a bilingual one-stop portal, to assist people financially-impacted by COVID-19, and case managers working with them, in accessing government and other institution benefits and relief measures. |
Punjabi Community Health Services | Toronto, Peel | Provides hygiene kits, groceries, phone cards and school supplies for 190 individuals in Peel and Scarborough, including newcomers, racialized and underhoused people, seniors, students and domestic violence survivors. |
Quality Continuous Improvement Centre for Community Education and Training — operating as Centre for Education & Training – TCET | Peel | Provides 1,000 prepared meals for seniors, newcomers, youth and racialized people, as well as eight laptops to enable remote support for counselling, information and referral. |
Rainbow’s Pride in Scarborough — Trusteed by SKETCH Working Arts | Toronto | Provides $200 gift cards to 20 LGBTQ+ youth for food, cleaning supplies and other essential products. |
Reena — Trusteed by Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living | Toronto, York Region | Provides ipads to 12 seniors with mental health challenges, enabling family connection and access to medical appointments and programming. |
Regent Park Community Health Toronto | Toronto | Provides 200 food baskets, 100 grocery cards, 50 coffee cards and 200 hygiene kits to support 500 people who are marginally housed or struggling with homelessness. |
Rexdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | Provides recycled computers and internet access to 116 individuals and families, enabling them to connect to financial supports made available through the government. |
Rexdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | Supports pilot in community-based COVID-19 testing and wrap-around supports in North Etobicoke. |
Rexdale Women’s Centre | Toronto | Provides and distributes culturally-appropriate food and essentials to 100 single mothers and seniors in North Etobicoke. |
Rexdale Women’s Centre | Toronto | Supports meeting safety standards in workplace and providing PPE for staff and clients. |
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre (RIWC) | Toronto | Purchases 15 recycled laptops to establish a local library, enabling access to essential information, programs and services. |
SAAAC Autism Centre — Trusteed by Community Living Toronto | Toronto | Provides online autism support and counselling sessions–both group and individual—to 50 newcomer South Asian families with young children. |
Sakeenah Homes – Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto | Enables caseworkers to provide culturally-appropriate food to 200 people, and support 50 women and children with remote counselling, emergency shelter and food. |
Salvation Army York Housing and Support Services | York Region | Provides food, essentials and technological and mental health supports to 110 vulnerable women and youth. |
Sanctuary Ministries of Toronto | Toronto | Provides three portable toilets with handwashing stations to support at least 100 individuals experiencing homelessness. |
Scarborough Food Security Initiative — Trusteed by Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | Provides 1,360 fresh meals, filling a gap left by the local food bank that is currently closed. |
Shine Through the Rain Foundation — Trusteed by Girls Inc. of York Region | Toronto, Peel, York Region | Provides grocery cards for almost 100 people living with illness, including children and seniors. |
Sikhs Serving Canada — Operating as Seva Food Bank | Toronto, Peel Region | Provides 900 families with culturally appropriate food. |
Sistering – A Woman’s Place | Toronto | Grocery cards and medication will be provided to 200 homeless and street-involved women and transgender people. |
Skills for Change | GTA | Supports refurbished laptops for 35 people to participate in online programming for several months. |
Skylark Children, Youth and Families | GTA | Provides 25 families with grocery cards, hygiene kits, children’s activity sets, as well as other essentials. |
SMILE Canada – Support Services — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | GTA & Surrounding Areas | Assists 50 children with disabilities by providing behavioural needs support and coaching to parents and caregivers. |
Somali Women’s and Children’s Support Network — Trusteed by LAMP Community Health Centre | Toronto | Provides grocery cards for 60 families (250 people) including single parents, seniors, vulnerable youth, children and newcomers. |
South Asian Women’s Centre | GTA | Provides technological support to enable remote case management and counselling for 1,200 women, ESL speakers and newcomers, racialized individuals or those impacted by domestic violence. |
South Riverdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | Covers data plans for donated phones distributed to 134 people experiencing homelessness in Toronto’s East End. |
St. John the Compassionate Mission | Toronto | Distributes baby essentials to mothers, including newcomers, refugees and racialized women, in Scarborough Village. |
StepStones for Youth | Toronto | Delivers food, hygiene and other emergency supplies to 80 vulnerable youth from the child welfare system and provides housing subsidies to a dozen young people, ensuring they remain safely housed. |
Storefront Humber Inc. | Toronto, Peel | In cooperation with the Daily Bread Food Bank, funding will provide seniors with 40 food baskets per week. |
Street Haven At The Crossroads | Toronto | Supports women experiencing homelessness with access to food, shelter, and mental health outreach to those at-risk. |
Street Health Community Nursing Foundation | Toronto | Provides access to crucial hygiene services to prevent spread of the virus among street-involved individuals. This includes washing stations, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene kits and food cards. |
Success Beyond Limits | Toronto | Grocery cards will be provided to 30+ young people and their families. |
The 519 | Toronto | Supports daily distribution of 200 takeaway meals to vulnerable members of LGBTQ+ community. |
The Canadian Red Cross – Toronto Region | Toronto | A partnership between United Way, the City of Toronto and Red Cross ensures vulnerable seniors receive nutritious food they aren’t able to access during isolation or quarantine. The Red Cross will coordinate requests for food security support, while screening for emergency and other needs. Food hampers will be delivered, ensuring clients’ health and well-being. |
The Dale Ministries — Trusteed by Sanctuary Ministries Toronto | Toronto | In coordination with Greenest City and Second Harvest, provides 200 meals, 125 bags of groceries, 50 good food boxes, 100 hygiene kits, clothing and outdoor essentials for people in community housing and the shelter system in Parkdale. |
The Free for All Foundation | Peel | Provides laptops to enable remote support for seniors, as well as grocery cards and essentials for 100 racialized seniors and 50 marginalized Black families in Mississauga and Brampton. |
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army of Canada | York Region | Provides rental assistance to support existing and new clients moving from transitional shelter to housing. |
The Housing Help Centre | Toronto | Delivers food, grocery cards and hygiene products to 250 low-income people in Scarborough. |
The Journey Neighbourhood Centre | Peel | Provides grocery cards for 40 Muslim families to access culturally-appropriate food, supporting single parents, seniors and racialized individuals. |
The Macaulay Child Development Centre | Toronto | Delivers 2-3 fresh produce food boxes to 100 families (through FoodShare) and $20 grocery gift cards to 30 families. |
The Mississauga Food Bank | Peel | Provides food bank clients with information outreach, through traditional and social media. |
The Neighbourhood Group | Toronto | Provides almost 700 additional meals for the Meals on Wheels program, as well as grocery cards for 200 people experiencing homelessness. |
The People’s Pantry — Trusteed by FoodShare Toronto | Toronto | Delivers 1,000 grocery care packages and prepared meals to low-income individuals. |
The Redwood | Toronto | Provides tech hardware to enable ongoing remote support for 25 survivors of domestic violence. |
The Rhema Foundation Canada — Trusteed by Delta Family Resource Centre | Toronto | Provides technology and WiFi for 200 individuals, including seniors, newcomers and racialized people, to assist in accessing services for income assistance, food access, mental health support and social connection. |
The Sunatul Jamaat of Ontario Canada — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto | Provides prepared meals to 200 individuals experiencing homelessness and living with a disability. |
Times Change Women’s Employment Service | GTA – Toronto, Peel and York Region | Supports 120 unemployed, underemployed and precariously employed women of diverse ethnicities with access to technology for virtual employment programming and supports. |
TNO – The Neighbourhood Organization | Toronto | Delivers 1,000 culturally-appropriate food hampers to isolated seniors in Thorncliffe, Flemingdon Park and St. James Town. |
Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council — Trusteed by Native Canadian Centre | Toronto | Enables 18 agencies serving the Indigenous community – and organized under the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council (TASSC) COVID-19 Collective Response Task Force – to offer remote programming and deliver meals and food hampers to Indigenous Elders, individuals and families in Toronto. |
Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships (TIGP) | Toronto | Delivers groceries, prescriptions and other essentials to 1,000 isolated seniors and people with disabilities. |
Turning Point Youth Services | Toronto | Provides tablets to youth experiencing homelessness in isolation and who are awaiting COVID-19 test results. |
UHN OpenLab at the University Health Network — Trusteed by The Neighbourhood Group | Toronto | Establishes a toll-free hotline available in 180 languages, connecting low-income seniors with volunteers to pick-up food and essentials. Four hundred deliveries a day will also be provided until the end of June. |
Unison Health and Community Services | Toronto | Provides frozen meals, food hampers and grocery cards to 50 clients living with diabetes. |
Vaughan Community Health Centre — Trusteed by York Region Food Network | York Region | Provides 480 fresh produce boxes and 800 meals to vulnerable individuals and families. |
Ve’ahavta — Trusteed by JVS Toronto | Toronto | Provides 120 people experiencing homelessness with outreach and peer support, as well as hot meals, clothing, sleeping bags, toiletries, harm reduction kits and other outdoor essentials. |
VHA Home HealthCare | GTA | Provides grocery cards, baby formula and sanitary products to 50 families, including isolated seniors, newcomer families and those with mental health issues. |
Volunteer Toronto | GTA | Increases community program capacity by creating two regional volunteerism support teams. The Volunteer Success Team will provide enhanced volunteer screening and referral, including vulnerable sector checks and intensive basic training to expedite capacity support with volunteer matching. Working with Spark Ontario, the team also provides advisory support to volunteers using the provincial platform. |
Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | Provides grocery cards, hot meals and technological support to 350-500 seniors, youth, newcomers and those experiencing homelessness or mental health challenges. |
West Neighbourhood House (and Agincourt Community Services, Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, Dixie Bloor Neighbhourhood Centre, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services) Social Planning Toronto, Prosper Canada (and UWCC), Findhelp 211 | Toronto | The Financial Empowerment Initiative, in collaboration with various United Way agencies, supports 5,000 households in completing tax returns (realizing appropriate low-income credits) and accessing emergency government benefits. This includes triaging calls, providing material in 10 languages and employing 15 tax experts, and online resources providing information on eligibility for federal/provincial benefits. |
Women’s Centre of York Region | York Region | Provides 43 women with grocery cards and access to laptops or cell phones. |
Women’s Habitat of Etobicoke | Toronto | Provide gift cards for essentials to 60 women and children. |
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands | Toronto | Ensures safe distribution of essential supplies — diapers, detergent, hygiene items and medication — to 160 racialized newcomer and refugee women. |
Working Women Community Centre | Toronto | Supports 75 participants with online Food Handling certificate courses. |
Yellow Brick House | York Region | Provides grocery cards to 24 women and their children who have fled violence |
Yonge Street Mission | Toronto | Supports 600 visits to the food bank for healthy food options and crucial hygiene supplies, as well as counselling and mental health support for 60 people. |
York Region Centre for Community Safety — trusteed by Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region | York Region | Gift cards for food and essentials will be provided to 100 women and children in need. |
Yorktown Family Services | Toronto | Provides technological support to enable almost 225 new clients in accessing online counselling services, meeting growing mental health needs among children, youth and young adults. |
Youth Assisting Youth | Toronto, York Region | Provides 50 families with virtual case management support, mental health counselling and referrals. |
Youth Without Shelter | Toronto | Provides healthy meals to a homeless youth shelter in North Etobicoke, as well as food parcels for 70 at-risk youth. |
Youthlink | Toronto, York Region | Provides remote support and workshops to promote mental wellness among young people and their families. |
YouthSpeak Performance Charity | Toronto | Reaches up to 170 people by providing 42 gift cards ($75 each) and diapers for families, laptops for youth in shelter as well as hand sanitizer, disinfectant and additional cleaning staff for their shelter and residence. |
YWCA Toronto | Toronto | Covers grocery cards for 400 tenants in subsidized housing. |
Agency | Region | Funded Amount | Description |
360°kids | York Region | $20,648.00 | Provide COVID-related signage and safety supports for re-opening of drop-in centre supporting at-risk and vulnerable youth. |
ACCES Employment | GTA | $40,000.00 | Provide newcomers, women and others with client assessments for wrap-around supports, online educational workshops, counselling sessions and check-ins. |
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide meal takeout and delivery program — 100 nutritious meals four days a week to people who are mainly racialized and living on low incomes. |
Acorn2Oak Youth Services | Peel/York Region | $37,079.00 | Deliver essentials care packages (meals and groceries, cleaning and hygiene products) and information sessions to seniors and youth. Also provide bi-weekly delivery of drinks and snacks to frontline workers at long-term care homes. |
Active Adult Centre of Mississauga | Peel | $22,764.00 | Deliver weekly virtual sessions (socialization, fitness, mental stimulation) to vulnerable seniors. |
Addiction Services for York Region | York Region | $44,044.44 | Deliver food hampers weekly in partnership with Ontario Community Support Association to people with mental health or addictions. |
Adornment Stories Collective trusteed by Children’s Peace Theatre | York Region | $3,187.00 | Provide training program for Black women/femme 2SLGBTQIA+ youth artists, educators and changemakers: includes mental health awareness, workshops and virtual conversations. |
Afghan Women’s Organization Refugee and Immigrant Services | Toronto | $49,937.00 | Provide racialized refugees and newcomers with virtual one-on-one/group peer support, information sessions, and connection to resources. |
African Community Services of Peel | Peel | $43,111.00 | Support the technology and educational needs of Black newcomer families: distributing laptops and tablets, training in set-up and use and distributing activity kits for children. |
Agincourt Community Services Association | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide wrap-around supports for newcomers and families: virtual/phone check-ins, food hampers, digital and language literacy sessions and virtual information sessions. |
Alexandra Park Residents Association | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Provide home-cooked lunch to seniors in the Alexandra Park/Atkinson Housing Co-operative (AP) and community who are low-income, multilingual, racialized and living with disabilities. |
All People’s Church | Peel | $39,207.00 | Develop a food distribution hub to support residents in the Bramalea area in Brampton. Volunteers will be provided with training and certification to pick up groceries for families weekly. |
ALS Society of Canada | GTA | $6,000.00 | Purchase hospital bed and specialized mattress available to families living with ALS. |
Alzheimer Society of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide training for volunteers to offer weekly social support and consistent connections over the phone to clients who are isolated caregivers or living with dementia. |
Alzheimer Society of York Region | York Region | $40,494.00 | Expand service in partnership with CHATS to serve additional meals weekly and provide hygiene products for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and their caregivers. |
Amadeusz | Toronto | $40,000.00 | Offer online education and support to children and youth: weekly podcast hosted by peer mentors with lived experience of gun violence and incarceration, phone support and grocery cards. |
Ample Labs | GTA | $50,000.00 | Offer information and service navigation to people experiencing homelessness/living in poverty through virtual 24/7 chatbot accessible by smartphone. Includes online webinars and training sessions for agencies. |
Anduhyaun Inc. | Toronto | $70,741.00 | Provide cooking and cleaning services to agencies supporting Indigenous people and people experiencing domestic violence in the Toronto. |
Anishnawbe Health Toronto | Toronto | $75,000.00 | Provide food hampers and wellness checks to vulnerable seniors who are living in poverty and have multiple health issues. |
Aptus Treatment Centre | Toronto, York Region | $47,124.00 | Add virtual support program with online and phone assessments, groups for socializing and skill-building, training for family members and day services for people with developmental disabilities. |
Arab Community Centre of Toronto | Toronto | $49,966.00 | Support children and their families from the Middle East and Africa with online learning opportunities. |
Arrabon House Incorporated | Toronto | $49,980.00 | Support female youth living with mental health issues through weekly online therapy sessions and delivery of groceries in partnership with Second Harvest. |
Asian Community AIDS Services | Toronto | $41,556.00 | Provide various supports to East and Southeast Asian LGBTQ+ youth, including virtual social and learning activities, distribution of hygiene items and weekly culturally-relevant content and resources. |
Assaulted Women’s Helpline | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide support (safety planning, crisis counselling and virtual group) to women who have experienced abuse and been placed in alternative accommodation due to decreased capacity in VAW shelters. |
Auberge Francophone d’Accueil et des Services aux Immigrants | Toronto | $40,000.00 | Provide hot meals and support to seniors and Black Franchophone immigrants, including a phone line to support them with online services and virtual social opportunities. |
Autism Speaks Canada | GTA | $25,000.00 | Develop tools and resources to support children with autism and their families, making improvements to educational webinars, trainings sessions and podcasts. |
A-Supreme Foundation | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide vulnerable seniors in the African Black Caribbean community with culturally-sensitive food baskets containing fresh produce monthly, along with PPE. |
BALANCE for Blind Adults | Toronto | $10,000.00 | Support people with vision loss, who are experiencing increased mental health challenges, with assessment and individual counselling sessions. |
Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services | Toronto | $45,088.00 | Support South Asian newcomers and others in Scarborough through development of bilingual safety pamphlets, outreach and monthly delivery of health and hygiene protection packs, as well as virtual training sessions on health and hygiene. |
Bangladesh Centre and Community Services | Toronto | $48,825.00 | Support South Asian seniors and parents living with low income through virtual yoga and meditation sessions three times a week. |
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic | Toronto | $44,444.44 | Hire a coordinator to provide active case management, including coordination of care and advocacy for women experiencing gender-based violence and other high risks, compounded by COVID-19. |
Basket Brigade Canada | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide weekly delivery of nutritious meals to individuals and families living in poverty, with the majority being women and girls. |
Baycrest Centre Foundation | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Provide virtual supports to vulnerable seniors through weekly virtual classes to teach digital competencies, and virtual fireside chats with guest speakers. |
Bereaved Families of Ontario – Toronto | Toronto | $49,350.00 | Recruit and train volunteers on working with complicated grief, peer-led one-to-one supports and support groups, to support bereaved seniors and low-income families. |
Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Cook and pack Kosher cultural meals three times a week for Jewish seniors who are Holocaust survivors or seniors with developmental disabilities living in community housing, and newcomers. |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel Inc. | Peel | $43,700.00 | Recruit and train volunteer mentors to build virtual developmental relationships and provide social supports to children and youth, the majority of whom are racialized. |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide virtual matches of volunteers to children residing in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs) across Toronto, offering distance learning and virtual social and recreational activities. |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of York | York Region | $17,679.00 | Put additional screening and monitoring in place to oversee virtual matches between children/ youth and mentors connecting by phone/video four times/week. |
Bikur Cholim | Toronto, York Region | $32,000.00 | Deliver freshly prepared nutritious meals and/or food baskets weekly and provide weekly lunch and learn sessions to isolated seniors and single-parent families. |
Birchmount Community Action Council | Toronto | $49,713.00 | Support Afro Caribbean, South Asian, Chinese seniors by collecting donated items, and packing and delivering emergency food bundles. |
Blue Door Support Services | York Region | $49,830.00 | Support youth, men, and families experiencing homelessness: tech (tablets and equipment) for purchase/loan and distribution of prepared meals. Monthy cleaning of emergency housing also. |
Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf | Toronto, Peel, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide mental health services to hearing impaired children and youth and their families through weekly online counselling services and a parent support group. |
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Offer “Camp in a Box”, a virtual summer camp for racialized children and youth in Rexdale through two virtual activity/learning sessions per day. |
Brain Injury Society of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide case management services and accessible technology devices, supports and education to increase functionality, health and community access for adults living brain injury. |
Brampton Multicultural Community Centre (BMC) | Peel | $44,444.00 | Provide food and basic necessities to at-risk seniors and match seniors to volunteers of their own cultural/linguistic background for virtual activities. |
Bruyere Foundation | Toronto | $40,000.00 | Provide food hamper deliveries customized for household size and/or religious and cultural diets to vulnerable seniors, single parents and youth. |
Buddy Services Centre for Seniors | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Provide essential in-home support to vulnerable seniors living on low income. |
Building Up | Peel, Toronto | $46,498.00 | Support racialized individuals living in poverty: hire on-staff counsellor to support trainees with mental health issues, provide first and last month rent and grocery cards. |
Butterfly Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network | GTA | $44,050.00 | Train peer support workers through an 8-week virtual training program. |
Caledon Community Services | Peel | $45,000.00 | Facilitate continuous sanitizing, disinfection and safe Return to Work procedures; develop website and signage to increase accessibility of social programs. |
Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium | GTA | $49,500.00 | Offer virtual camp for families with a child who has cancer by providing access to 25 monthly community, summer and in-hospital virtual camp programs. |
Canadian and African Women Aid Program | Peel | $44,444.00 | Support Afro-Black immigrants living in poverty with monthly delivery of grocery cards and group teleconferences twice weekly for women experiencing domestic violence. |
Canadian Hearing Services | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide an accessible video mental health and wellness chat line for deaf and hard-of-hearing clients, supported by two ASL proficient counsellors. |
Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Prepare and deliver food boxes and essentials to youth, adults and seniors with mental health and addictions challenges. |
Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region | York Region | $44,444.44 | Provide telephone-based counselling by clinically-trained staff members for individuals experiencing stress or anxiety due to COVID-19. |
Canadian Mental Health Association/Peel Branch | Peel | $34,300.00 | Provide mental health and addictions supports including counselling, connections and referrals for temporary residents of the Designated Quarantine Site near Pearson International Airport. |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) | GTA | $38,393.00 | Provide training and smartphones to vulnerable residents living with sight loss. |
Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association | Toronto, York Region | $48,750.00 | Provide virtual counselling and urgent support including meals, food hampers and hygienic essentials to socially isolated seniors. |
Caritas School of Life | GTA | $40,000.00 | Provide residential addiction and mental health treatment at centre for homeless youth with barriers to safe treatment. Includes case management, meals, therapy, social activities and support. |
Carribbean African Canadian (CAFCAN) Social Services Inc. | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Provide resilience support to African-Canadian individuals living in poverty: online seminars for youth, women and seniors, including ethno-specific information on COVID-19’s impact. |
Catholic Crosscultural Services | Toronto, Peel | $49,995.00 | Establish early intervention and detection practices to reduce incidents of domestic violence for newcomer women: staff training, virtual support groups and one-on-one sessions. |
Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin | Peel | $44,427.00 | Support men who use abuse to create violence free-lives through counselling and psychoeducation. Includes developing culturally-specific outreach material and pathway for police service. |
Catholic Family Services of Toronto | Toronto | $33,400.00 | Update the agency’s data base and systems in order to enable remote/virtual counselling for women experiencing violence, mental health issues and anxiety. |
CAYR Community Connections | York Region | $27,065.00 | Provide supports (grocery cards, food hampers, phone cards, emergency kits, counselling) to people including the 2SLGBTQ+ community and those with lived experience of HIV/AIDS and/or Hepatitis C. |
CEE – Centre for Young Black Professionals | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support vulnerable Black youth through individual psychotherapy sessions and online group-based community empowerment and healing sessions. |
CEE – Centre for Young Black Professionals | City of Toronto/York Region | Â $241,720.00 | Coordination of six organizations (Positive Change Toronto Initiative; Ethio-Canadian Seniors Club; Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association; Parents of Black Children; Black Foundation of Community Networks; Black E.S.T.E.E.M.) serving the African diaspora will provide food access, mental health counselling and support for isolated members of Black communities, in particular seniors, children and youth. |
Centre for Education & Training (TCET) | Peel | $39,723.00 | Support newcomers, refugees, children and youth with telephone or virtual support services, online needs assessments and connections to supports: meals, virtual camps and online tutoring. |
Centre for Immigrant and Community Services | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Support isolated Chinese seniors who face language as well as mobility barriers with culturally-specific cooked meals, also providing fabric masks and agency resources. |
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT) | Toronto | $33,994.00 | Deliver new disability-inclusive health program (virtual health workshops, webinars, peer connection drop-in sessions and self-advocacy programming) tailored to people with disabilities and vulnerable to COVID-19. |
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples | Toronto | $38,950.40 | Support Spanish-speaking people from Mexico, South and Central America with employment mentorship sessions, and monthly trans peer-led workshops. |
Centre francophone du Grand Toronto | GTA | $50,000.00 | Disseminate COVID-19 information through community outreach to Francophone families, also offering meals, a weekly health promotion webinar, virtual and legal support. |
Centre of Learning & Development | Toronto | $49,800.00 | Provide daily delivery of meals to seniors and individuals with mobility challenges. |
Chabad Lubavitch of York Mills | Toronto | $20,000.00 | Offer check-ins, individual sessions related to mental health, spiritual and practical guidance, and delivery of groceries, meals and essential items to seniors and those living on low incomes. |
Chabad Russian Centre of Thornhill Woods | York Region | $30,088.00 | Support local immigrant children, youth and seniors with care packages, social distance visits, virtual social activities and lectures. Also conduct check-in calls to seniors, others living alone or vulnerable to domestic abuse. |
Charlie’s Freewheels Youth Education Society | Toronto | $8,500.00 | Provide bicycle support to children and youth in Regent Park and St.James Town through pop-up events several times a week, offering safety checks and repair services. Also developing safe outdoor program for girls, trans and non-binary people. |
CHATS-Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | York Region | $24,963.00 | Facilitate access to virtual technology for cognitively impaired seniors through weekly wellness programs, including social, educational, therapeutic recreation and physical activities. |
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Foundation | Toronto | $44,330.00 | Deliver hot and nutritious meals, information pamphlets and PPE for high-need isolated seniors living in high-rise buildings who are mainly racialized and living on low incomes. |
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation | York Region | $75,000.00 | Provide food security to remote and vulnerable First Nations community members on Georgina Island by providing grocery cards. |
Christie/Ossington Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | $38,000.00 | Support people moved from shelters to hotels and those living in transitional housing: purchase a cargo van to transport meals, food and program supplies for children — activities include creation of book and toy libraries. |
Circle of Care Sinai Health | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support vulnerable seniors and people living with low income by providing fresh and frozen food and a dedicated iRide driver with vehicle and volunteer team to shop and do errands. |
Coalition des Noirs Francophones de l’Ontario | GTA | $44,000.00 | Provide webinars in African and Caribbean languages to Black individuals and ethnic communities to support coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Volunteers also trained to support the Francophone community. |
College-Montrose Children’s Place | Toronto | $40,250.00 | Support the social inclusion and learning of vulnerable children under age six by assembling and distributing activity boxes and video activity guides. |
Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support diverse ethnoracial individuals living with HIV/AIDS:l adapt education, training, research, service coordination and advocacy tools, record virtual sessions and provide peer counselling and training. |
Community Family Services of Ontario | Peel, Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide educational videos, counselling and virtual support for families of Asian background to access social services for settlement, disabilities, and special needs. |
Community Living Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide iPads, Amazon Echos and internet access to people living with intellectual disabilities so they can connect to loved ones and participate in virtual programming. |
Community Living York South | York Region | $35,000.00 | Provide care packages to individuals with intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder and mental health disorders, who are in extreme need of PPE. |
Community Matters Toronto – St. James Town Family Literary Services | Toronto | $17,000.00 | Support newcomers with fresh produce baskets, phone check-ins, online exercise/dance classes and with CAMH, video training for staff and individual support for survivors of domestic violence. |
Community Resilience to Extreme Weather (CREW) – aTides Canada Initiative | Toronto | $10,000.00 | Minimize social isolation of low-income women through provision of tablets and internet for weekly conferencing. |
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria | Peel | $35,556.00 | Provide supports to mothers and children with mental health challenges: online skills workshops, training on computers and mobile devices and in-person and virtual counselling. |
Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide information navigation support to South Asian newcomers: a phone line with recorded information and live language-specific Intake Specialists. Spread word through ethnic media. |
Counterpoint Counselling and Educational Cooperative Inc | Toronto | $20,136.00 | Bring together sector representatives to meet with survivors of intimate partner violence to create a personal protection plan addressing safety needs and risks. |
Covenant House Toronto | Toronto | $18,075.00 | Provide support to youth through virtual mental health and addiction services, healthcare visits, case management, family visits, counselling, mentorship, spiritual care and life skills development. |
Creating Alternatives Day Program | GTA | $45,000.00 | Provide supports to adults with developmental disabilitiese who reside with aging caregivers through additional space to facilitate social distancing as in-person services re-open. |
CultureLink Settlement and Community Services | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support racialized seniors with weekly deliveries of groceries and medical items, phone check-ins and mental health support calls, a workshop and online learning activities. |
Cyrus Foundation | York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide educational supports to children who are newcomers: one-on-one online tutoring, painting and drawing, coding, yoga, dance and creative writing, and therapy for children with autism. |
Dancing with Parkinson’s Inc. | GTA | $23,425.00 | Deliver virtual dance classes to seniors including those who are isolated and those with neurological conditions. |
DANI – Developing and Nurturing Independence | York Region | $50,000.00 | Develop protocols and reconfigure spaces to create safe program spaces for adults with disabilities to receive virtual recreational and social programs and counselling sessions. |
DAREarts Foundation Inc. | Toronto | $40,000.00 | Support the mental health and social inclusion of young people in priority neighbourhoods with wellness kits (arts-based activities and supplies, telephone supports, wellness check-ins, and workshops). |
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre | Toronto | $18,200.00 | Support vulnerable residents by providing weekly take-away meals, outdoor physically-distanced drop-ins, and hiring and training three peers to assist with phone support and drop-ins. |
DEEN Support Services | GTA | $49,976.00 | Facilitate knowledge sharing and system navigation for newcomers and racialized communities: virtual counselling sessions, one-to-one phone calls, group sessions, connection to legal support. |
Delta Family Resource Centre | GTA | $52,000.00 | Provide emergency food and supports to racialized individuals, newcomers and seniors: food hampers, PPE, training for senior volunteers to provide remote check-ins, cell phone top-ups and laptops for staff. |
Direct Your Life Organization | Toronto | $35,000.00 | Provide a sports leadership development program for Black youth to develop leadership skills and meaningful connections. In partnership with Toronto Community Benefits Network, program includes training for peer mentors. |
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto | Toronto | $49,270.00 | Engage volunteers through virtual training to respond to increased crisis call volumes: includes new education curriculum, moving training online and covering trainees’ data / internet usage. |
Documentation Ethnoculturelle Des Jeunes | Toronto, Peel | $42,000.00 | Provide hot meals to individuals’ homes 3/week and a virtual socialization session every 2 weeks for vulnerable Black and ethnocultural Francophone youth. |
Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Provide virtual academic support including online book club, engagement, math and art lessons to children. |
Down Syndrome Association of Peel | Peel | $40,000.00 | Provide children and adults with Down Syndrome with virtual speech programs, one-hour classes with teachers, video counselling and networking sessions. |
Eastview Neighbourhood Community Centre | Toronto | $35,000.00 | Purchase and prepare fresh produce bags/boxes, delivering meals to seniors and purchasing personal hygiene and cleaning supplies for vulnerable clients. |
Eden Food for Change | Peel | $49,300.00 | Provide food access from two food bank sites five days a week, deliver a seniors meal program weekdays, and produce and package individual meals for home delivery. |
Egale Canada Human Rights Trust | Toronto | $15,719.00 | Offer a virtual leadership program for 2SLGBTQI youth: self-directed educational and skills-building activities online support student development of action plans for inclusion activities at school, virtual or in-person. |
Elizabeth Fry Society Peel Halton | Peel, York Region | $37,961.00 | Provide online virtual programming: individual and group sessions, counselling and e-learning opportunities to promote community reintegration, personal well-being and community safety. |
Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women (North York) | Toronto | $41,526.00 | Empower vulnerable women and girls who are experiencing domestic abuse through daily virtual one-on-one counselling, group counselling and workshop sessions. |
Epilepsy Toronto | GTA | $36,560.00 | Provide online counselling sessions and weekly webinars to people with epilepsy in the GTA, prioritizing those with poor seizure control and those experiencing low income and isolation. |
Eritrean Canadian Community Centre of Metropolitan Toronto | Toronto | $49,799.00 | Support seniors and vulnerable individuals from the Eritrean community: cover essential communications costs — data/ internet/ televisions and reimburse volunteers for transportation costs for meal delivery. |
Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide grocery cards to women and their children accessing the shelter’s Outreach Program, as well as additional “check-in” services. |
Eshkiniigjik Naandwechigegamig Aabiish Gaa Binjibaaying (ENAGB) Youth Program | GTA | $71,771.00 | Support Indigenous youth by providing them with rent relief and gift cards. |
ESS Support Services | Toronto | $25,500.00 | Deliver activity andhealth and wellness kits to seniors with physical and/or cognitive limitations, multiple chronic conditions and who are living with depression and anxiety. |
Ethiopian Association in the Greater Toronto Area and Surrounding Regions | GTA | $30,800.00 | Provide supports for vulnerable members of the Ethiopian community by providing food and legal services, home deliveries, psycho counselling services and weekly home care. |
Evangel Hall Mission | Toronto | $35,656.00 | Deliver take-out meals, snacks and beverages to seniors and elders experiencing homelessness or living in poverty at social housing units. |
Eva’s Initiatives | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide virtual programs and services to support youth who have experienced abuse: laptops/cellphones/microphones for participation in Family Reconnect program, health services, harm reduction and employment programs. |
Faith of Life Network | Peel, Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support Muslim seniors: preparation and delivery of hot meals, monthly purchase and delivery of groceries, virtual counselling and group mental health counselling. |
Family Services of Peel | Peel | $44,444.00 | Develop training material, resources and program for men to prevent family and interpersonal violence. |
Family Services York Region | York Region | $31,935.00 | Provide mental health supports for refugees and newcomers with mental health challenges or survivors of gender-based violence: virtual therapy sessions, counselling, referral and navigation, consultation and safety planning. |
FCJ Refugee Centre | GTA | $44,391.00 | Support food security/reduce isolation of newcomers with impermanent immigration status: weekly food hampers in partnership with Second Harvest; creation of community cook book; online meetings and podcasts. |
Feed the Frontlines TO | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide three meals per week to people in the Rexdale community experiencing food insecurity. |
Fife House Foundation Inc. | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide meals to vulnerable and marginalized individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS, with a focus on seniors. |
Findhelp Information Services | Toronto, Peel | $50,000.00 | Enhance community engagement and system navigation for South Asian newcomers and Indigenous people: virtual platforms, phone, chat and text — a partnership wtih TASSC and the Urban Alliance on Race Relations. |
Flemingdon Health Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support seniors, newcomers and visible minorities through virtual programs: volunteer-to-peer training, one-on-one phone sessions, health information workshops, exercise, yoga and dance classes, mental health support and COVID-19 information. |
Fontbonne Ministries, Sisters of St. Joseph Toronto | Toronto | $32,000.00 | Provide healthy lunches, hygiene kits and cloth masks to people experiencing homelessness at a drop-in centre. |
Food 4 Kids Mississauga | Peel | $44,444.00 | Support children and youth: working with volunteers to package and deliver local healthy food on a weekly basis, liaising with participating schools to assess needs and accept referrals. |
Fred Victor Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support reduced violence and high-risk behaviour by building trust and creating safe spaces/solutions: hire a project lead, to identify and supervise people with lived experience in distributing PPE, health information and hygiene kits. |
Free For All Foundation | Peel | $44,444.00 | Reduce social isolation for racialized seniors: providing culturally-appropriate online supports, training on use of technology and youth mentors to deliver essentials. |
Friends of Ruby | GTA | $31,500.00 | Support the mental health of 2SLGBTQ youth by developing and sharing resources that can be easily accessed to support the mental health challenges created by COVID-19. |
Frontier College | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide online learning and literacy support to youth and adults in unstable employment via one-to-one tutoring, at-home learning kits, online learning events for groups and online readings. |
Frontlines Toronto | Toronto | $41,500.00 | Provide education supports to Anglophone, Francophone and black children and youth ages: include a Zoom online tutoring program where youth are paired with volunteers. |
Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes (Metro Toronto) Inc. | Toronto | $60,000.00 | Support Indigenous individuals by setting up COVID-19 safety measures, namely plexiglass to allow for safe face-to-face connection while delivering programs and services. |
Generous Space Ministries | GTA | $22,222.00 | Provide support to LGBTQ2+ people, providing grocery and hygiene supplements, counselling sessions, as well as mental health supports and housing assistance. |
Geneva Centre for Autism Foundation | GTA | $25,000.00 | Support children with autism spectrum disorder by providing virtual training workshops with one-to-one follow up consultations for each family. |
Girls Inc. of York Region | York Region | $50,000.00 | Support girls and teenagers, including Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation girls, with food vouchers, food hampers (with The York Region Food Network), hot meals (with Feeding Canadian Kids), virtual wellness programs, and care packets. |
Glorious Women of Wonders Prayer Ministry | Peel | $44,444.00 | Provide weekly delivery of grocery cards to immigrants and refugees living in poverty. |
Golden Age Village for the Elderly | York Region | $49,728.00 | Provide weekly hot meals and a Vietnamese COVID-19 newsletters to Vietnamese seniors who are immunocompromised or geographically isolated. |
Good Neighbours | Toronto | $23,070.00 | Provide food supports to individuals living with low income, many of whom are of Southeast Asian origin: food hampers, and preparation and distribution take out meals. |
Grant African Methodist Church | Toronto | $5,000.00 | Provide vulnerable families with groceries and care packages, as well as meals to the homeless in multiple locations. |
Greenest City Environmental Organization | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support immigrants and refugees: Good Food Boxes, grocery cards and meals, and working with the community to grow food. Initiatives in partnership with FoodShare Toronto, The Dale, Sistering and Four Winds. |
Growing Neighbourhoods Foundation | Toronto | $35,000.00 | Provide fresh food to support racialized seniors, includes delivering fresh food baskets twice a week, as well as healthy activities, books, masks and hygiene supplies. |
Hand Up from Hunger Toronto | GTA | $44,444.00 | Provide food resources to low-income families, including single mothers and immigrants, through weekly drive-thru grocery hamper program at Vaughan Mills Shopping Centre, UofT, Paramount Centre in Mississauga and curbside delivery. |
Haven Toronto | Toronto | $20,000.00 | Purchase industrial refrigerators to provide three meals a day for elderly men experiencing poverty and social isolation. |
Health Out Loud | Toronto | $36,210.00 | Support youth with mental illnesses and recovering from addiction through group and mini sessions, distribution of food and essentials, and service navigation assistance. |
Helping Hands Platform | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide information and navigation support for youth in the GTA through weekly connection and hiring staff to develop a social media outreach campaign. |
Hindu Cultural Society | Toronto, York Region | $49,024.00 | Support South Asian seniors, including those with anxiety and depression, through yoga and meditation video streaming, group wellness and one-on-one sessions for people with specific needs. |
Home on the Hill Supportive Housing | York Region | $30,000.00 | Provide care baskets and virtual recreation therapy for individuals with serious mental illness living with family. Activities include bi-weekly delivery of baskets, weekly virtual peer group and one-on-one sessions. |
Homes First Society | Toronto | $39,715.00 | Increase staffing capacity and sanitary supplies for shelter supporting adults and seniors from equity-seeking backgrounds who have physical and/or mental disabilities. |
Hong Fook Mental Health Association | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide virtual or in-person single and short-term counselling sessions weekly to Asian youth in in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. |
Hope 24/7 | Peel | $12,136.00 | Offer art therapy sessions to seniors experiencing mental health distress: art techniques, connection to a psychotherapist and community resources, and risk assessment through Hope 24/7. |
Hospice Georgina | York Region | $11,149.41 | Provide therapeutic supports for people grieving and professional caregivers during this pandemic. Includes weekly group therapy and individual one-to-one virtual sessions. |
Hospice Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support seniors with palliative care needs, providing virtual counselling sessions, wellness checks, quarterly palliative care volunteer training and on-call telephone support. |
Hospice Vaughan | York Region | $50,000.00 | Reduce social isolation for seniors, children and youth: providing counselling sessions, wellness checks, information sessions, virtual drop-ins, social activities and drop-offs of food and essentials. |
Human Concern International | GTA | $50,000.00 | Purchase, package and distribute food items to people in Toronto living in poverty including children, seniors, homeless and Indigenous people. |
Human Endeavour Incorporation | York Region | $49,711.00 | Support isolated seniors with tablets and laptops; online fitness classes. And as a backbone organization: evaluate, develop and deliver training and technical support for virtual programming. |
Humanity First | GTA | $44,444.00 | Support families with food hampers including fresh and frozen food items and provide hygiene kits and indoor recreational activity supplies. |
Humewood House Association | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support pregnant and parenting youth through individual and group counselling sessions, info sessions and volunteer mentors. |
Hydrocephalus Canada | Toronto | $15,000.00 | Provide essential PPE and regular COVID updates to a population with medical disabilities, hydrocephalus and spina bifida. |
Interim Place | Peel | $50,000.00 | Provide supports to women, two-spirit, queer, trans, and non-binary individuals and their children experiencing violence: 24/7 virtual chat box, virtual shelter tour and volunteer database. |
International Development and Relief Foundation | National | $50,000.00 | Provide job training for youth: developing social media profiles, a networking strategy; preparing for job hunt and interviews. Includes financial literacy and assessment of soft skills. |
Islamic Foundation of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide newcomers and racialized residents with cooked meals, delivery of food baskets, weekly check-ins with seniors and weekly and wellness sessions in English, Urdu and Arabic. |
Islamic Institute of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support vulnerable seniors and individuals with disabilities: check-ins, wellness calls, health education sessions, grocery delivery, weekly meals, counselling, home care and house cleaning. |
Islamic Relief Canada | Toronto | $45,859.00 | Support marginalized youth with tutoring services in senior math, science and accounting courses; monthly mentoring group sessions and individual matches to support progress. |
Islamic Social Services and Resources Association (Toronto) | Toronto | $9,000.00 | Support individuals living in poverty in priority neighbourhoods by providing telephone assessments, volunteer training and food distribution through food banks. |
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Canada | Peel | $43,750.00 | Support the mental health and learning of youth living in poverty by providing psychotherapy, weekly leadership training, daily academic support and skills development. |
Ivan Franko Homes | Peel, Toronto | $36,079.00 | Engage and improve communication for seniors and families with youth by providing iPads, virtual one-on-one sessions with families and mentoring sessions with youth. |
Jamaican Canadian Association | GTA | $40,000.00 | Support virtual learning and programs for Black secondary students and international college students: weekly tutorials and check-ins, workshops on various topics, and one-on-one support. |
Jane Alliance Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | $49,924.00 | Support seniors: phone assessments of food needs; recruitment and training of volunteers; purchase and preparation of fresh food and hygiene baskets and follow-ups with seniors. |
Jane/ Finch Community and Family Centre | Toronto | $49,562.00 | Support seniors: includes delivery of tablets, games, online educational and social sessions, personal check-in calls and socialing and networking. |
Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre (Trustee for Black Youth Jobs) | Peel, Toronto | $49,925.00 | Provide virtual wrap-around supports for Black youth through one-to-one case management sessions, online workshops on various topics, guest speakers and social inclusion bbqs. |
JAYU Festival Inc. | GTA | $26,667.00 | Develop on-line arts program for youth: training and mentorship in variety of media arts: photography, filmmaking, spoken word poetry and digital collage. |
Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment | Toronto | $22,302.00 | Provide empowerment programming for girls including daily learning and social inclusion activities, weekly workshops on empowerment and self-care. |
Jewels For Jesus Mission Inc. | Peel | $5,379.00 | Support families with virtual workshops on various topics including transitioning from home to work and getting children ready to return to school, as well as one-on-one counselling. |
Jewish Family and Child of Greater Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Deliver single-session counselling to people living with anxiety. |
Jewish Russian Speaking Community of Ontario | Toronto, York Region | $10,000.00 | Develop an online platform including website and database to support families living in shelters in accessing the Furniture Depot remotely. |
Jewish Russian Speaking Community of Ontario | York Region,Toronto | $26,666.67 | Develop infrastructure, including facilities and databse, to provide Jewish seniors with grocery and medication deliveries. |
Jewish Vocational Service of Metropolitan Toronto | Toronto, York Region | $25,000.00 | Support people struggling with anxiety, fear and social isolation through one-on-one counselling by phone/video, monthly webinars on topics including stress management. |
JIAS (Jewish Immigrant Aid Services) Toronto | York Region, Toronto | $32,358.22 | Enable support of Jewish immigrants with information, resources and social services by moving intake, needs assessment, and settlement plan processes to an online platform. |
Job Skills – Employment and Business Services and Programs | GTA | $48,041.71 | Provide employment support to unemployed and underemployed through general information chats on programs and services, and connecting clients to consultants and social supports. |
John Howard Society of Peel-Halton-Dufferin | Peel | $37,000.00 | Adapt current service delivery models to a virtual format, including The Bail Verification and Supervision Program, Anger Management (Resolve) Groups and Anti-Criminal Thinking groups. |
John Howard Society of Toronto | Toronto | $37,500.00 | Support people leaving the Toronto South Detention Center through the purchase of a customized shipping container to provide in-person assessment and wrap-around services. |
Jr. Economic Club of Canada | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Offer a financial literacy program for Black youth focused on well-being and money management. Includes live virtual program sessions, e-learning portal, video activities and a workshop. |
Jumpstart Refugee Talent | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide employment support to racialized immigrants through resume critiques and employment assessments, one-on-one preparation sessions and follow-up. |
KCWA Family and Social Services | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support Korean seniors through weekly delivery of meals, monthly delivery of medication, personal items and education booklets, and volunteer recruitment. |
Kennedy House Youth Services Inc. | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Support homeless youth with virtual yoga, meditation, health, education, housing and financial literacy workshops, weekly check-ins with case or housing manager and group counselling. |
Korean Canadian Cultural Association of Metropolitan Toronto | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide essential items and culturally-relevant information about COVID, wellness checks and referrals. |
Krasman Centre | York Region | $50,000.00 | Offer overdose prevention support to people struggling with addiction, offering trained peer supporters with lived experience available via a toll-free phone line. |
LA Centre for Active Living | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Provide technology supports to seniors: loaning mobile devices with data connections and offering virtual classes in fitness, health and wellness, as well as one-on-one and group support. |
La Maison | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Develop and distribute a resource guide on Francophone community resources, presenting the guide at a webinar reaching 1,000 Francophones. |
Labour Education Centre | Toronto, York Region | $46,499.00 | Provide access to digital technology: assessments to identify learning goals and technology needs, home delivery of learning packages,digital literacy classes and zoom sharing sessions. |
Lady Ballers Camp | Peel | $40,000.00 | Offer summer camp for girls, including virtual programs, boxed activities, healthy snacks, phone counselling and in-person visits, tutoring and homework support when school returns. |
Lay-Up Youth Basketball | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide physical activity and social connection to youth through a virtual platform combining live and pre-recorded sessions focused on skill development and on-and-off-court learnings. |
Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region (LDAPR) | Peel | $44,444.00 | Provide academic and social support to children with learning disabilities, including daily one-on-one academic support and a weekly virtual social skills group program. |
Living Water Counselling Centre | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide mental health support to vulnerable Chinese immigrants: consultant providing weekly phone assessments, information and referrrals, and psychotherapy sessions. |
LOFT Community Services | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide COVID-19 screening to individuals dealing with complex mental health challenges, addictions and dementia through counselling, group therapy, peer support, and social events. |
Lumacare Services | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Support seniors by providing frozen meal deliveries, fresh food baskets, essential kits and support calls and care planning. |
Macaulay Child Development Centre | Toronto | $37,000.00 | Provide access to technology for racialized children and their families: refurbished laptops, workshops on coding, online safety and capacity building for parents to support online learning. |
Madison Community Services | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support clients who have mental health and addictions challenges: ready-made meals monthly, fresh produce weekly and delivery of groceries to clients in congregate living houses. |
Maggie’s Toronto Sex Workers Action Project | Toronto | $66,200.00 | Provide virtual engagement to Indigenous sex workers, offering biweekly sharing circle facilitated by an Elder and weekly virtual art sessions. |
MakeWay Charitable Society | Toronto | $16,184.00 | Conduct outreach to marginalized women, creating communicatons materials and researching and connecting with cultural associations. |
Malton Neighbourhood Services | Peel | $44,444.00 | Hire a social worker to provide one-on-one counselling to seniors who identify as Black, Caribbean or African. |
Malvern Family Resource Centre | Toronto | $41,585.00 | Increase local food production for Filipino and Afro-Caribbean individuals, supplying fresh produce to families, webinars on nutrition and deploying volunteer community gardeners. |
Manantial Neighbourhood Services Inc. | Toronto, York Region | $31,750.00 | Provide a virtual Youth Outreach Program for Hispanic youth through weekly webinars, check-in calls and counselling sessions, including mental health and educational services. |
Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association (MACCA) | York Region | $26,000.00 | Support Afro-Caribbean community: online information sessions on jobs, resume-writing and interviewing, telephone supports, computer training, mental health and wellness and culture. |
Mon Sheong Foundation | Toronto, York Region | $46,120.00 | Support isolated Chinese seniors: distributing Mid-Autumn Festival hampers with program information and resources; recruiting, training and mobilizing volunteers for weekly chats. |
MonstrARTity Creative Community | Peel | $23,973.79 | Deliver arts workshops to South Asian seniors through a collaboration with Indus Community Services — includes technology purchases, additional personnel and wages. |
Moyo Health & Community Services | Peel | $44,444.00 | Provide individuals who are 2SLGBTQ+, African, Caribbean, Black or use substances with psychotherapy over phone or video. |
Muslim Children’s Aid and Support Services (MCASS) | Toronto | $39,200.00 | Support Syrian refugee children through food literacy, STEM (science; technology; engineering; mathematics) workshops and mindfulness classes. |
Muslim Community Services (Greater Toronto) | Peel | $44,444.00 | Support newcomer women experiencing domestic abuse and at home with their abuser virtual supportive counselling, phone support, referrals, safety plans and grocery cards. |
National Zakat Foundation | Peel, Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support individuals who may be ineligible for governmental benefits, with essential supports, including delivery of grocery cards, food hampers and resource navigation support by phone. |
Native Canadian Centre | GTA | $79,400.00 | Provide mental health and well-being support to Indigenous and homeless people through culturally-appropriate peer group talking circles, elder involvement and social forum. |
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto | GTA | $75,000.00 | Provide emergency food hampers for Aboriginal people and conduct a culturally-sensitive data analysis of COVID-19 emergency response. |
Newcomer Women’s Services, Toronto | Toronto | $34,451.50 | Support newcomers by delivering programs on key employability skills and financial literacy, health topics, online yoga and meditation and a weekly virtual conversation circle. |
Newmarket Church of Christ | York Region | $10,000.00 | Offer online outreach and deliver food also to those on a low-income or with mental health. |
Nia Centre for the Arts | Toronto, Peel Region | $48,530.00 | Collaboration with Black mental health organization Across Boundaries to expand access to community and clinical services for 135 young Black people and adults grappling with isolation and uncertainty brought on by COVID-19. |
North York Arts | Toronto | $26,032.00 | Offer ESL newcomers weekly workshops:creative writing, drama, spoken word and other creative platforms using zoom workshops and meetings with facilitators. |
North York Community House | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Expand the reach of financial empowerment program, providing one-on-one counselling and seminars for low income and marginalized people to apply for benefits and manage finances. |
North York Seniors Centre | Toronto | $20,000.00 | Improve social connection for isolated seniors via daily telephone and video sessions focused on different topics as well as provide a platform for culturally-specific social opportunities. |
North York Women’s Shelter | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Hire an Equity and Access Facilitator, develop an information hub, conduct a mapping of culturally competent VAW-informed supports and explore virtual trauma-informed programming. |
Northridge Community Church of The Salvation Army | York Region | $49,500.00 | Support vulnerable individuals experiencing mental health issues in by providing counselling sessions and support group sessions. |
Northwood Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | $42,000.00 | Provide various supports: setting up a community response centre to prepare and deliver meals, groceries and other essentials; connect isolated seniors through teleconference calls. |
Oasis Centre des femmes Inc. | Toronto, Peel | $30,589.00 | Support girls and women who have experienced domestic violence by engaging with community leaders to distribute relevant resources and provide online counselling sessions. |
Ogaden Somali Community Association of Ontario | Toronto | $48,140.00 | Provide access to information and technology for Somali, Amharic and Arabic-speaking children, youth through a COVID-19 information hotline, computer loan and support, and meet and greet. |
Ontario Black History Society | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support Black children, youth, seniors by developing a web-based resource to share Black History and heritage, including webinars and an online tour of Amherstburg Freedom Museum. |
Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre | GTA | $46,281.00 | Provide language-specific employment support to racialized immigrants including “Know Your Rights” virtual information sessions, income supports, in partnership with the Workers Action Center. |
Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer | Toronto, York Region | $8,000.00 | Provide grocery cards to families with a child with cancer to help ease the financial burdens associated with food shopping. |
Ontario Society for Crippled Children (Easter Seals) | GTA | $50,000.00 | Provide mobility and accessibility equipment to support families who are facing increased challenges due to the COVID19 crisis. |
Ontario Water Centre | York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide food access to families through weekly delivery of locally-sourced vegetable baskets to homes or a church-affiliated drop point in collaboration with the Salvation Army. |
Operation Springboard | Toronto | $33,684.00 | Support children and youth involved in the criminal justice system, providing virtual needs assessments, personalized programs, one-on-one wellness checks and group webinars. |
Overcomer Community Development Centre (OCDC) | Peel | $44,444.00 | Provide educational supports to African immigrants: tablets and other educational resources, online tutoring for children, training on tech platforms and weekly virtual counselling and mentoring. |
Parents Engaged in Education | Toronto | $8,000.00 | Provide “Learn at Home kits” (tools, activities to support mental health) to youth transitioning to post-secondary school, and develop an “Education Bank” for supplies, books or games. |
Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre deliver food hampers and follow-up check-ins to residents with health-related vulnerabilities to COVID-19. |
Parkdale Community Food Bank | Toronto | $27,100.00 | Support seniors and individuals by adapting program to deliver food to vulnerable Parkdale residents during COVID. |
Parkdale Project Read Inc. | Toronto | $48,750.00 | Offer adult literacy program to vulnerable seniors, elders and racialized people by providing telephone crisis counselling and information navigation, remote one-to-one and group learning. |
Parya Trillium Foundation | GTA | $36,000.00 | Parya Trillium Foundation will support 2,250 adults over a year who are mainly newcomers, youth, and seniors to continue to access their services by transitioning to virtual platforms in order to provide on a weekly basis 265 settlement sessions, 14 mental health and wellness sessions, 9 computer classes, 3 social media classes and 15 resume and job help sessions |
Peacebuilders (Canada) International | Toronto | $49,100.00 | Provide supports related to the justice system for Black and racialized youth and families: hire a Black Mental Health Crisis Support Worker to deliver programs and court referral services. |
Peel Children’s Aid Foundation | Peel | $33,333.00 | Provide social inclusion and learning supports to children and youth under the care of Peel Children’s Aid Society through virtual summer camps, virtual OSAP clinics and a youth forum website. |
Planned Parenthood of Toronto | Toronto | $24,000.00 | Deliver essential supports to children and youth living in poverty by providing grocery cards, pharmacy cards and masks. |
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services | Peel | $44,311.00 | Provide food hampers to vulnerable families and individuals. Through partnership with Mississauga Food back, community leaders will distribute, sort and deliver food hampers. |
Positive Community Development | Toronto | $26,500.00 | Provide health and wellness boxes (culturally-appropriate food and essentials) to South Asian women facing domestic abuse, and access to technology and virtual counselling sessions. |
Pro Bono Ontario | Toronto | $49,073.00 | Provide free legal advice and legal drafting: by hiring a part-time COVID-19 Legal Response Hotline lawyer to increase awareness of PBO’s legal services and develope resources and staffing. |
Project Work | Toronto | $25,731.00 | Provide supports for individuals with intellectual disabilities to navigate the COVID-19 world: learning activities, one-on-one coaching, group activities, peer networking and referrals. |
Project: Humanity Inc. (SKETCH) | Toronto | $25,000.00 | Connect professional artists with youth in shelters for one-to-one interdisciplinary arts mentorship, activating curiosity and joy alongside creative skill-building. |
Punjabi Community Health Services | Peel | $44,444.00 | Reduce social isolation of South Asian seniors by provididing android tablets with data plans and an easy-to-use messaging app to support connection to family and friends. |
Rameshwar Mandir & Cultural Sabha Inc. | Peel | $42,000.00 | Provide home-cooked, culturally-specific food to seniors of Caribbean descent who have mobility restrictions, also recruiting and training volunteers to support delivery of meals. |
Reena | Toronto, York Region | $35,000.00 | Provide a summer respite day camp for individuals with developmental disabilities and complex needs:visiting parks, open-ended activities,life skills training, arts & crafts, and practicing proper hygiene. |
Refugee Women’s Network | Yorke Region, Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support refugee and immigrant women by providing grocery hampers,grocery cards, online individual and group counselling, online learning and information sessions on financial assistance. |
Regent Park Community Health Centre | Toronto | $37,500.00 | Hire a community health worker to support people experiencing homelessness: hygiene supplies, harm reduction kits, grocery cards, and case management and online system navigation. |
ResQ Youth International Inc. | Peel | $31,620.00 | Provide life skills workshops to Black youth: cooking, financial literacy, work readiness, back-to-school, storytelling in Black culture and mental health group sessions. |
Rexdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support 2SLGBTQ+ program and safe-space for youth: peer support, case management, referrals and community engagement and education. |
Rexdale Community Hub | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Implement a COVID-19 preparedness plan to support staff and volunteers in offering services: infection prevention measures, social distancing, communication and training. |
Rexdale Women’s Centre | Toronto | $75,000.00 | Provide necessities to vulnerable individuals, including racialized people and seniors, by providing hampers with halal, vegetarian and vegan food and other essentials. |
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre | Toronto | $49,021.00 | Provide virtual support to immigrant and refugee women: loaning out refurbished laptops, providing temporary internet access and subscribing to secure online program system. |
Roots Community Services | Peel | $44,203.00 | Provide mental health support for Black, African and Caribbean men who have experienced abuse: hire counsellor to provide culturally-appropriate individual and group clinical services. |
Routes Connecting Communities Inc. | York Region | $25,000.00 | Support people with life-threatening, chronic illness or compromised immune system by coordinating volunteer drivers to deliver food pantry hampers and groceries. |
Safe City Mississauga | Peel | $30,850.00 | Improve the accessibility of the Crime Prevention Management System to support vulnerable children and youth through virtual tutoring sessions and inclusion activities. |
Sanctuary Ministries of Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide cooked meals and grocery/restaurant cards to individuals experiencing homelessness or living in poverty. |
Sayeda Khadeja Centre | Toronto | $43,249.00 | Provide supports for family caregivers of children/adults with developmental disabilities: online psycho-educational sessions, caregiver peer support groups and online recreational group for children. |
Scadding Court Community Centre Incorporated | Toronto | $39,669.00 | Increase local food security by providing access to community gardens, greenhouse, and Aquaponics, as well online gardening workshops and virtual meetups. |
Scarborough Arts Council | GTA | $5,000.00 | Offer an online wellness program for Black, Indigenous and racialized youth: 16 facilitated workshops focused on health and well-being delivered by professional and emerging artists. |
Scarborough Food Security Initiative | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide a food truck soup kitchen to 1,000 seniors and vulnerable communities across Scarborough Southwest in three different locations five days a week, over two months. |
Scarborough Muslim Association | Toronto | $30,310.00 | Provide a food program for students, adults and seniors: preparing, packaging and delivering hot meals daily, as well as doing grocery shopping and delivery as needed. |
Seeds of Hope Foundation | Toronto | $35,000.00 | Support racialized immigrants who are homeless or have mental illness: daily hot meals, counselling sessions, referrals and check-ins, hygiene kits and survival kits, and visits to seniors. |
Senior Persons Living Connected | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Provide health and social supports to seniors, caregivers through weekly intake,information and referrals, home safety assessments, wellness baskets, and virtual and in-home visits. |
Senior Tamils Society of Peel | Peel | $48,874.80 | Support isolated seniors with culturally-appropriate food, ethnic hot meals,protective face masks, hand gloves and sanitizer, communications and information sessions on health and safety. |
Seniors Life Enhancement Centres | Peel | $25,800.00 | Support isolated seniors with enhanced virtual recreation programs, as well as support calls, loan of devices, and delivery of activity kits to ensure full participation. |
Services and Housing In the Province (SHIP) | Peel | $43,350.00 | Provide therapeutic and wellness supports to homeless or precariously housed wait list applicants through a peer support program of virtual contacts and distribution of self-care kits. |
SEVA Food Bank | Peel | $32,400.00 | Shift service operations for newcomers from a grocery store shopping model to a carry-out food hamper service; retrofit space for safe operation. |
Sheena’s Place | Toronto, Ontario | $34,067.00 | Provide virtual group programs for BIPOC women with eating disorders. |
Sistering – A Woman’s Place | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Hire a full-time mental health counsellor to support vulnerable women and transgender individuals experiencing increased mental challenges, including initial assessment. |
SKETCH Working Arts for Street Involved Homeless Youth | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Collaborate with Art Reach, Lifted By Purpose and Maamwizadaa to provide mental health supports to youth: telehealth counselling, online resources, training and care packs. |
Skills for Change | GTA | $20,701.00 | Support individuals and families through virtual one-on-one and group counselling, virtual wellness activities, wellness checks, referrals and information sessions. |
SMILE Canada – Support Services | GTA | $48,950.00 | Support racialized children and youth with disabilities: needs assessment, activity/homework packets, customized toolkits, virtual respite and mentorship sessions and weekly check-ins. |
Social Services Network | Toronto, York Region | $30,185.00 | Support social connection of South Asian and East Asian seniors through an integrated online program using various platforms to deliver exercise, yoga, arts and crafts and cooking classes. |
Somali Women’s and Children’s Support Network | Toronto | $48,520.00 | Provide emergency support to immigrants in Toronto through grocery cards for household items and personal hygiene kits. |
SoundCheck Youth Arts Inc. | Toronto | $30,244.00 | Support the well-being, resiliency and social inclusion amongst Black youth and musicians through virtual music learning and mentorship sessions and capacity-building workshops. |
South Asian Canadians Health & Social Services | Peel | $22,222.00 | Connect isolated South Asian seniors by providing technology devices, recreation kits, and an enhanced digital platform for virtual recreation programs and support calls. |
South Riverdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support homeless and underhoused individuals with mental health and substance use issues: pilot a mobile outreach program — meals, hygiene kits, water, case management and counselling. |
SPRINT Senior Care | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide food and social supports to seniors: meal delivery, grocery pick-up, wellness calls and programs, and online classes — Spanish, ASL, music recitals, yoga and basic cooking skills. |
St Felix Centre | Toronto | $20,000.00 | Create food and hygiene packages for seniors for delivery to local TCHC building. |
St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Deliver grocery cards and PPE to individuals with low incomes who are residing in Toronto Community Housing. |
St. Jude Community Homes | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Conduct on-site COVID-19 testing and follow-up services in partnership with local health and support partners for adult and senior residents with complex physical and mental health issues. |
St. Matthew’s Bracondale House | Toronto | $15,545.00 | Offer recreational and social programs for seniors and elders including daily zoom classes of yoga, aerobics and dancing. |
St. Michael’s Homes | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support people with serious mental illness: virtual and in-person social/recreational groups, screening and social distancing in the drop-in, video/telephone support calls, take-home meals. |
St. Philip’s Evangelical Lutheran Church | Toronto | $37,580.00 | Provide food resources to children, youth and newcomers: fresh food boxes, grocery cards, educational content related to food skills and nutrition, including a weekly gift bag with supplies. |
Stonegate Community Health Centre | Toronto | $47,343.35 | Support newcomers or people with mental illnesses: virtual sessions to connect, interactive activities, food vouchers and toiletries, and virtual counselling sessions. |
Story Planet | Toronto | $38,940.00 | Provide academic and learning opportunities to children from through storytelling and arts activities. |
Street Haven | Toronto | $48,940.00 | Support women who are homeless and have mental health and substance issues: mental health wellness check-ins, social distance activities, exercise and meditation, virtual groups and meals. |
Street Health | Toronto | $48,500.00 | Ensure that homeless individuals can access supports and services through a screening station offering personal care and hygiene items and harm reduction supplies. |
Success Beyond Limits | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Create a virtual youth space for Black children and youth with weekly programs (online fitness, cooking, homework support, daily check-ins) delivered by youth mentors, who receive training. |
Support Enhance Access Service (SEAS) Centre | Toronto, York Region | $49,600.00 | Deliver food, essentials and learning devices (including training) to Filipino, Chinese and Vietnamese single-parent families who have experienced gender-based violence and vulnerable seniors. |
Surrey Place | GTA | $49,646.00 | Provide supports for caregivers of children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: remote sessions, learning and social activities, coffee chats and learning aids. |
Syrian Canadian Foundation -The Jasmine House | Peel | $38,528.00 | Support the self-care and self-expression of refugee youth: arts, mental health and fitness sessions, in-person outdoor physical activity and online art exhibit showcasing youth photography. |
TAIBU Community Health Centre | Toronto | $47,000.00 | Provide food vouchers, personal care items and technology for digital access for Black youth. Project includes facilitating spaces for youth to come together and share resilience and coping skills. |
TAIBU Community Health Centre | City of Toronto/York Region | ########## | Collaborative of four agencies serving Continental African communities will deliver a combination of food access, mental health and system navigation services that are culturally appropriate to those impacted by COVID-19. Agencies include: York Regional Alliance of African Canadian Communities; Ghanaian-Canadian Association of Ontario; Vaughan African Canadian Association; Rwandan Community Covid-19 Response Collaborative. |
Tamil Canadian Centre for Civic Action | Toronto | $49,920.00 | Support service navigation for Tamil immigrants: promote existing resources, create linguistically and culturally sensitive-tools, information telephone line and offer virtual mental health supports. |
Tawheed Community Centre | Peel, Toronto | $40,000.00 | Provide mental health support to vulnerable newcomers (youth, seniors, women and girls) through weekly virtual counselling sessions and social meetings. |
Tetra Society of North America | Toronto | $3,000.00 | Provide grocery cards to people with disabilities. |
The 519 | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide immediate crisis support by hiring an on-site trauma counsellor to provide mental health support and resources. |
The Canada-International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support people experiencing homelessness and Indigenous people: develop Community Health Worker cohort and simple SMS-based assessment and response tool with virtual tracking. |
The Canadian Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Health Care | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide virtual community care to newcomers and racialized people living in poverty. Funding will support quality of working space and cleaning during COVID-19. |
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies | Toronto | $39,951.00 | Provide mental health and well-being supports to social service agency workers, particularly those without health benefits: online workshop, a support module on mindfulness and peer support. |
The Children’s Book Bank and Literacy Foundation | Toronto | $15,000.00 | Support children and youth by delivering books to essential service providers: food banks, shelters, medical clinics and EarlyOn Centres. |
The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association | Toronto, York Region | $37,917.00 | Prepare meals to be packaged into food baskets for vulnerable seniors and those with underlying medical conditions. |
The Dam – Develop Assist Mentor | Peel | $50,000.00 | Provide connection for youth: online programming, online mentoring, referral services, and support for various online games, arts and crafts, workouts and learning opportunities. |
The Dorothy Ley Hospice | Toronto | $40,000.00 | Provide grief and loss counselling support. In partnership with Etobicoke Services for seniors, the Hospice will offer support to seniors through group sessions and end of life planning seminar. |
The Elizabeth Fry Society, Toronto Branch | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide technology aids (laptops, headsets, software and computer applications)to offer virtual counselling, social and learning activities for women who have recently been incarcerated. |
The Film Stars Project | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Deliver arts program in film and photography production to children and youth through zoom workshops. |
The Food Bank of York Region | York Region | $49,785.43 | Deliver fresh and non-perishable food, household and personal products in collaboration with The Food Bank of York Region, particularly for unemployed and isolated seniors. |
The Georgina Community Food Pantry | York Region | $10,000.00 | Provide breakfast bags over a month to children and youth through breakfast club pop-up. |
The Get REAL Movement Inc. | GTA | $17,626.00 | Provide virtual therapy for queer and trans-identified youth to address anxiety and challenges related to gender identity and sexual orientation. |
The Indigenous Network | Peel | $75,000.00 | Provide mental health support through an Indigenous framework by delivering an online workshop series and booklets on: anger management, spirituality, addictions, and managing stress. |
The Jean Tweed Centre | GTA | $17,073.00 | Provide mental health support to women with substance use and/or mental health issues, as well as their families, through trauma-informed virtual group sessions and individual counselling. |
The Massey Centre for Women | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Hire a social worker to support adolescent mothers and their children by providing virtual counselling, case management and group mental health and wellness programming. |
The Mississauga Food Bank | Peel | $50,000.00 | Provide monthly deliveries of culturally-appropriate food to individuals who are food insecure. |
The Neighbourhood Group Community Services | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support newcomer women and LGBTQ2S+: virtual workshops on systems navigation, on-line education resources, financial benefits, telephone check-ins, one-on-one and groups sessions, and grocery cards. |
The Olive Branch Of Hope Inc. | Peel, Toronto | $44,444.00 | Support Black women of African ancestry who are breast cancer survivors: virtual counselling sessions, dance or exercise classes, musical therapy and coaching on return to treatment. |
The Power and Glory Bible Ministries | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Expand food bank service to 5 days/week and provide virtual social activities and remote and in-person counselling sessions. |
The Redwood…For Women and Children Fleeing Abuse | GTA | $49,496.00 | Provide virtual counselling sessions via live chat and text for women experiencing physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, financial, or other kinds of abuse. |
The Salvation Army – Agincourt Community Church | Toronto | $41,500.00 | Provide weekly appointments with the Food Bank Director to assess needs and provide food and essential items to newcomers living in poverty. |
The Salvation Army Erin Mills | Peel | $50,000.00 | Provide monthly delivery of food, food vouchers, clothing and furniture for people experiencing poverty. |
The Salvation Army Mississauga Community and Family Services | Peel | $20,854.00 | Provide food support to children and youth by purchasing storage sheds to store equipment and supplies, freeing up space to install a walk-in fridge for fresh food. |
The Salvation Army Scarborough Citadel | Toronto | $4,500.00 | Support people who are food insecure by providing monthly food staples that are fresh and perishable, as well as vouchers to purchase clothing and household items at the thrift store. |
The Stop Community Food Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support people living in poverty through delivery of take-away meals, food hampers and emotional support and referrals for new mothers. |
The Teresa Group – Child and Family Aid | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Mitigate stresses of families affected by HIV: offering diapers, grocery cards, transit tokens and clothing, and delivering virtual groups for parents and youth, and counselling by phone/video. |
The Tropicana Community Services Organization of Scarborough | Toronto | $49,908.00 | Support seniors from the Black, African and Caribbean community: hire a social worker to conduct counselling, educational groups, and life skills sessions. Deliver food hampers and meals. |
The Vitanova Foundation | GTA | $44,444.00 | Support homeless and addicted individuals: hire peer support workers to work with those on wait list (assess needs, connect to resources and provide naloxone kits, hygiene products and hot meals. |
The WoodGreen Foundation | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Provide grocery cards, supportive counselling and COVID-19 information and resources in different languages to newcomers and immigrants that are food insecure and living in poverty. |
The Yonge Street Mission | Toronto | $46,528.00 | Provide virtual counselling sessions via phone, video or in-person to street-involved youth. |
Thorncliffe Park Women’s Committee | Toronto | $48,988.00 | Provide food to vulnerable immigrants: Hire a project coordinator and three community members to use community garden bounty to prepare and deliver culturally-appropriate meals. |
Times Change Women’s Employment Service | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Expand Caring Connection, a 12-week remote program for regular support of women: food security, finances, information and navigation, social inclusion, shelter, personal safety, mental health, and employment assistance. |
Tirgan Iranian-Canadian Centre for Art and Culture | GTA | $39,956.00 | Provide social support to immigrant Iranian children through arts and crafts workshops, Persian folklore, storytelling, music, dance and health and hygiene information. |
TNO-The Neighbourhood Organization | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support racialized individuals by purchasing food at reduced rates, creating culturally-relevant food hampers and children’s craft supplies and renting truck for delivery. |
Toronto Christian Community Church | Toronto | $36,000.00 | Provide supports to isolated Chinese seniors through online recreational classes, talks and a tele-care team that regularly calls to keep in touch and provide help if needed. |
Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS) | Toronto | $30,000.00 | Provide food support for children and youth. In partnership with TDSB, purchase food in bulk to be delivered in a refrigerated truck to identified schools, where volunteers package emergency weekend meal kits. |
Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships in Community | Toronto, York Region | $40,000.00 | Utilize volunteers to provide assistance with grocery and essential needs shopping, prescription pick up service for seniors and people living with low income. |
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/ Multicultural Women Against Rape (TRCC/MWAR) | Toronto | $45,985.00 | Provide online body healing workshops with a guest facilitator for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) and trans survivors of sexual violence. |
Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes and Services – Romero House | Toronto | $13,200.00 | Mitigate the risks and allow social distancing for in-person services for refugees at Romero House — includes hotel rooms for isolation, as well as cleaning and re-furbishing to enable walk-ins. |
Toronto Urban Native Ministry | Toronto | $71,330.00 | Expand frontline outreach and Indigenous cultural support: meal program, one-on-one cultural and spiritual peer support, Indigenous cultural and spiritual teachings, and distribution of PPE. |
Trillium Health Partners Foundation | Peel, Toronto | $44,444.00 | Support survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence by offering medical, forensic and counselling services, treatment of injuries, safety planning and referrals to community services. |
Turning Point Youth Services | Toronto | $46,000.00 | Support youth who are charged with a criminal offence by developing a mobile application to continue existing supports on a virtual basis, in partnership with TPS, CAMH and U of T. |
Unison Health & Community Services | Toronto | $32,238.00 | Provide weekly delivery of meals and food vouchers to vulnerable clients including elderly and people with low income. |
United Anambra Association of Canada | GTA | $25,000.00 | Provide various supports to children and seniors, including weekly activities and games, workshops for adults, and check-in phone calls and whatsap text messages. |
United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support children and seniors living with low income who are food insecure through the delivery of boxes of Kosher food. |
Up With Women | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support women and girls by providing peer counselling and service navigation, professional coaching, group learning and support workshops and resilience and financial wellness training. |
Urban Alliance on Race Relations | GTA | $50,000.00 | Support children and youth of Black, Muslim, Tamil and Filipino communities dealing with mental health issues: peer support, group mentoring, culturally and linguistically appropriate information and youth leadership training. |
UrbanArts Community Arts Council | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support Black youth and seniors by providing a combination of in-person art in public spaces, art classes via zoom as well as delivery of art and food security kits. |
Uzima Women Relief Group International | Toronto | $36,000.00 | Support the mental health of youth including Black youth living in low income neighbourhoods through virtual training workshops. |
VHA Home HealthCare | Toronto | $49,369.00 | Support individuals/seniors living with disabilities and/or mental illness: in-home assessments, grocery shopping and delivery, meal preparation, medication pick up, hoarding support and wellness checks. |
Vietnamese Women’s Association of Toronto | Toronto | $23,419.00 | Provide food support for Vietnamese seniors with disabilities and/or chronic diseases: conducting assessments, recruiting and training Vietnamese-speaking volunteers for fresh food delivery. |
Villa Charities Incorporated | Toronto | $35,000.00 | Provide technology support to Italian immigrants: Ipads for loan, virtual digital literacy group classes, free Wifi zones and online educational workshops on telehealth services and financial management. |
Vision of Hope Resource Centre | Peel | $49,900.00 | Purchase, package and deliver food to immigrants and newcomers from South Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. |
Vita Centre | Peel | $27,131.00 | Provide a virtual parenting program for parents of young children through weekly group sessions which include topics such as child development, child behaviour and parent self-care. |
Volunteer MBC | Peel | $49,275.00 | Provide essentials to racialized people living in poverty by providing meals daily, producing masks, engaging drivers for deliveries and coordinating with grocery stores and pharmacies. |
Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | $49,908.00 | Support racialized individuals through a 24/7 crisis support line for immediate referrals for food, counselling, transportation to appointments, and health and hygiene products. |
West Neighbourhood House | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Create a new outreach program to provide support and essential needs to low income seniors who cannot attend in-person services. |
West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre | Toronto | $45,465.00 | Deliver hygiene products, culturally-appropriate food, and conduct virtual health and fitness workshops for isolated Bengali- speaking seniors. |
Weston King Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | $48,696.00 | Support individuals by delivering food boxes and essential items, canvassing the neighbourhood for needs, phone check-ins and a monthly virtual cooking class. |
White Ribbon | GTA | $45,000.00 | Deliver webinars to male youth from LGBTQS+ and racialized communities on different topics that based on existing White Ribbon GBV prevention content. |
Wigwamen Incorporated | Toronto | $75,000.00 | Provide PPE and daily professional cleaning services to Indigenous seniors and individuals. |
Willowgrove | GTA | $10,000.00 | Offer a Camp@Home program to children and youth: two hours of daily interactive programming including online cabins with small break out groups hosted by a live camp counsellor. |
Women’s Centre of York Region | York Region | $50,000.00 | Support women and single mothers, many of whom have experienced gender-based violence, through virtual online groups providing help on finances, career and challenges. |
Women’s Habitat | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Reach women who are experiencing domestic or gender-based violence: develop outreach campaign and packages, conduct consultation sessions with survivors in priority neighbourhoods. |
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre | GTA | $50,000.00 | Offer peer-led support for Black trans and non-binary people through virtual sessions on the socail determinants of health, access to a food bank, primary health care and virtual mental health support. |
Women’s Support Network of York Region | York Region | $49,300.00 | Support youth who have experienced sexual violence, trafficking: develop an online chat service, train staff and volunteers, deliver virtual group series on self-care, provide financial support for essentials, and launch a social media campaign. |
Working Women Community Centre | Toronto | $41,702.38 | Provide food handling training to line staff and volunteers,directly supporting vulnerable residents via video/phone, including information on hygiene and sanitization. |
Yellow Brick House | York Region | $50,000.00 | Support women who have experienced domestic violence or abuse: legal support and information related to family law; accompaniment to family court and support through the court process. |
York Hispanic Centre | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support seniors and newcomers: delivery of dry food baskets and vegetable food boxes, and connection to online programs by providing mobile device/tablets, internet access and training. |
York Region Food Network | York Region | $49,830.00 | Arrange and deliver Good Food Boxes at affordable rates over to people living with low incomes and who are food insecure. |
York Region Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers | York Region | $48,700.00 | Provide essential support to pregnant and parenting young mothers: hire a project coordinator and support staff to prepare and deliver emergency family care packages (formula, food, hygiene products). |
York Support Services Network | York Region | $31,000.00 | Provide in-home care and support for individuals with disabilities or mental illnesses: 1,000 hours of respite for families, grocery cards, Good Food Boxes and Meals on Wheels, transit support and care packages for those in the E Crisis Bed Program. |
Yorktown Family Services | Toronto, York Region | $50,000.00 | Support vulnerable youth in navigating the mental health system by providing client sessions, case conferences with referrals, integrated care case review meetings and virtual supports. |
Youth Assisting Youth | Toronto, York Region | $49,939.00 | Provide educational supports to vulnerable children and teens: online group and one-on-one tutoring sessions,online mentor-tutor training sessions, and a tutorial on Google classrooms. |
Youth Association for Academics, Athletics and Character Education | Toronto | $35,088.00 | Provide activities for children, youth and adults through workshops on health and wellness, daily online instructional support by certified teachers and online wraparound support through a COVID-19 hotline. |
Youth Without Shelter | GTA | $16,320.00 | Provide mental health support to vulnerable and homeless youth: psychological associate to provide on-site consultation and training to team, conduct assessments and provide individual therapy. |
YouthLink | Toronto | $50,000.00 | Support children and youth through weekly virtual and walk-in counselling sessions and monthly wrap-around and developmental services. |
Agency | Region | Funded Amount | Description |
5n2 Soup Kitchen Project | Toronto | $50,000 | Deliver fresh meals and food supplies to isolated seniors, elders and people struggling with mental health issues. |
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services | Toronto | $50,000 | Expand emergency food access program, preparing and distributing meals for seniors, newcomers and people with precarious immigration status, people living on low income. |
Achēv | Peel | $24,000 | Expand counselling and tutoring services for children and youth, contributing to the improvement and well-being of vulnerable newcomer families. |
Afghan Women’s Organization Refugee and Immigrant Services | Toronto | $26,093 | Support racialized seniors and people living on low income through phone, virtual, group peer support, information sessions and community connections to collaborative partner agencies. |
Agincourt Community Services Association | Toronto, York Region | $37,000 | Expand mental health therapy, acces to technology and intensive, wrap-around client-centered holistic supports for newcomer families and people living in poverty. |
Alexandra Park Community Centre (Alexandra Park Residents Association) | Toronto | $75,572 | Provide hot, nutritious lunches and food hampers for newcomers, racialized people, isolated seniors, and people living with visible and invisible disabilities. |
All Nations International Development Agency | Toronto | $13,282 | Provide access to resources to address food insecurity for individuals from low-income households, racialized communities, children and youth, and seniors in rural areas. |
Alliance Canada Congo | Toronto | $42,660 | Train Black volunteers to support Black individuals with physical disabilities, mental illnesses and chronic diseases in the GTA by providing home cleaning and groceries. |
Alliance for Healthier Communities | GTA | $20,000 | Increase digital access by providing phones and internet access to people experiencing homelessness, living on low income or struggling with addiction. |
A-Supreme Foundation | GTA | $45,000 | Increase food access to seniors, elders, people lving on low income and Black communities. |
Auberge Francophone d’Accueil et des Services aux Immigrants | Toronto, Peel | $47,000 | Provide meals and referrals to online services for Francophone families living on low income. |
Auntie Amal Community Center | Toronto | $40,000 | Provide support with meal preparation, homework activities and socializing for isolated individuals, seniors, and families living on low income. |
Autism Society of Ontario- Autism Ontario | York Region, Peel | $26,000 | Provide family activitiy kits to develop life skills and social skills for families and individuals with disabilities. |
Bangladesh Centre and Community Services | Toronto | $13,794 | Expand virtual meditation program and introduce music therapy sessions. Also provide continued support with groceries — all for South Asian newcomers, seniors and elders. |
Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living | Toronto, York Region | $50,000 | Provide culturally-appropriate Meals on Wheels to seniors living on low income or people with disabilities. |
Bikur Cholim | Toronto, York Region | $42,000 | Continue to support food security for seniors and others living on low income or in medical or family crises. |
BirthMark | Toronto | $29,994 | Provide food resources and household items to support people living on low income. |
Black Creek Community Farm | Toronto | $40,000 | Deliver Emergency Food Box and social support for families, seniors, and students from racialized communities. |
Bloor Central – The Salvation Army | Toronto | $11,500 | Operate food bank for people experiencing homelessness and people living on low income. |
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place | Toronto | $35,000 | Provide food and supports to address urgent and basic needs for children, youth and families, including racialized families living on low income. |
Brain Injury Society of Toronto | Toronto | $18,304 | Expand case management services, accessible supports, referrals and education to increase functionality, health and community access for victims of assault and intimate partner violence. |
Building Up | Toronto | $20,000 | Expand mental health and housing needs support of program trainees and alumni, including people from racialized communities and people living with mental illness, or struggling with addiction. |
Caledon Community Services | Peel | $40,000 | Provide food support to individuals, families, people living on low income. |
Canadian and African Women Aid Program | Peel | $48,000 | Expand project providing groceries to single mothers, seniors and elders living on low income. |
Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto | Toronto | $25,000 | Expand project preparing and delivering food boxes to people living with mental illness, struggling with addiction and living on low income. |
Canadian South Asian Growth and Support Services (CSAGSS) | Toronto | $41,580 | Provide Good Food boxes to racialized communitieis and people living on low income. |
Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association | Toronto, York Region | $87,572 | Expand project providing essentials to seniors and vulnerable individuals who are isolated and living on low income. |
Caregiver Connections Education and Support Organization | Toronto | $18,000 | Conduct virtual HR and skills development training and continue a COVID-coping support group for Filipino communities, temporary foreign workers and caregivers. |
Caritas School of Life | GTA | $35,000 | Provide safe beds in residential addiction and mental health treatment centres to homeless youth, inclusing those struggling with addiction. |
Catholic Crosscultural Services | Toronto, Peel | $16,823 | Operate a computer lending program for newcomer and racialized families living on low income. |
Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin | Peel | $20,000 | Create an early intervention program to serve as a bridge to safety for victims of family and intimate partner violence, supporting women and girls from racialized communities. |
Centre for Developing Relationships for Exceptional Adults in Markham Inc. | York Region | $13,875 | Adapt programming for individuals with developmental disabilities to include virtual synchronous and asynchronous experiences, including for children and youth from racialized communities. |
Centre for Immigrant and Community Services | Toronto, York Region | $40,000 | Provide a meal delivery service to Chinese seniors and elders. |
Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto | GTA | $40,000 | Provide essentials to vulnerable Francophones in the GTA, including newcomers and families living in poverty and unemployed due to COVID-19. |
Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto | GTA | $35,000 | Support Black Francophone women and girls in the GTA affected by violence in all its forms, to access health and social services in French. |
CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | Toronto, York Region | $22,863 | Provide a mobile adult day service to seniors and elders. |
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Foundation | Toronto | $34,456 | Deliver hot and nutritious meals and social support to isolated, racialized seniors living on low income. |
Chippewas of Georgina Island | York Region | $42,000 | Provide food security and emergency isolation shelter to on-reserve remote Indigenous community, including children, youth and people living on low income. |
Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre | Toronto | $35,169 | Provide case management and housing support to people experiencing homelessness, living with mental illness and/or struggling with addiction. |
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre | Toronto | $85,284 | Provide emergency basic needs and enhanced access to essential services to undocumented and precarious migrants experiencing homelessness or living on low income. |
Collective Group | Toronto | $50,000 | Provide food to children, youth, people living on low income and Black communities in Toronto. |
Community Living Toronto | GTA | $25,000 | Support community connections via postcards, letters and emails to persons with disaabilities. |
Community Living York South | York Region | $23,000 | Offer specialized certification training and courses to support individuals and families with a family member living with intellectual disability or mental illness. |
COSTI Immigrant Services | Toronto | $32,000 | Provide counselling and information for navigating personal safety and mental health wellness for women, their dependents, and others experiencing domestic or gender-based violence, including newcomers from Mexico and Central America. |
Delta Family Resource Centre | Toronto | $75,000 | Provide access to technology to racialized, vulnerable communities, including seniors, elders, peopleliving on low income. |
Documentation Ethnoculturelle Des Jeunes | GTA | $46,000 | Expand project providing meals and a virtual space for socializing to support children and youth, Black communities and official language minority communities. |
East Scarborough Boys and Girls Club | Toronto | $46,000 | Provide a mental health program throughout the pandemic for children and youth, racialized communities and newcomers. |
Eastview Neighbourhood Community Centre | Toronto | $20,000 | Continue to provide food security resources to seniors and elders, people living on low income and racialized communities. |
Eden Food for Change | Peel | $36,300 | Create two permanent satellite local food banks to support seniors, elders, and people living on low income. |
El Fatah Christian Ministry International and Community Outreach | Peel | $48,000 | Provide meals and grocery supplies to girls, mothers and seniors living on low income. |
Elizabeth Fry Toronto | Toronto | $100,000 | Provide peer-led wellness and basic needs service supports to people who’ve been or are at risk of being in conflict with the law, including people who are racialized, experiencing homelessness, and women and girls. |
Emmanuel Life Management Center | Toronto | $15,000 | Expand project providing food to seniors, elders, people experiencing homelessness and racialized communities. |
Eritrean Canadian Community Center of Metropolitan Toronto (ECCC) | GTA | $40,000 | Provide educational supports to newcomer students living on low income. |
Eshkiniigjik Naandwechigegamig, Aabiish Gaa Binjibaaying – ENAGB Youth Program | Toronto | $40,000 | Provide food resources and a safe on-site space for youth experiencing homelessness during COVID, specificially Indigenous children and youth. |
Evangel Hall Mission | Toronto | $27,516 | Expand project preparing and distributing take-out meals to seniors, elders, people experiencing homelessness, and people living on low income in transitional housing residences and Portland Place’s residences. |
Feed It Forward | Toronto | $25,000 | Distribute meals to tenants of Toronto Community Housing including children, youth, seniors, elders and people living on low income. |
FoodShare Toronto | Toronto | $40,000 | Provide good food boxes to racialized communities, people living on low income. |
For You Telecare Family Service | GTA | $25,000 | Provide educational workshops and activities on the grieving process and resiliency skills for the Korean-Canadian community, to help offset the effects of COVID-19. |
Fort York Food Bank | Toronto | $21,100 | Deliver food to vulnerable seniors living in Toronto Community Housing, specifically seniors, elders, people living on low income and racialized communities. |
GlobalMedic | GTA | $10,000 | Repackage bulk dried food and distribute to food banks and food assistance programs, supporting children, youth, seniors, elders, and people living on low income. |
Golden Age Village for the Elderly | GTA | $24,896 | Continue program providing hot meals to Vietnamese seniors who are immunocompromised or geographically isolated. |
Growing Neighbourhoods Foundation | Toronto | $20,000 | Continue to deliver fresh food and supplies to seniors and people with disabilities and underlying diseases, including people living on low income, Indigenous and First Nations. |
Harriet Tubman Community Organization | Toronto | $50,000 | Provide cultural food hampers to Black, African and Caribbean residents. |
Haven Toronto (The Good Neighbours’ Club) | Toronto | $11,770 | Continue to provide ongoing food security to elder men experiencing homelessness, poverty and social isolation. |
Home on the Hill Supportive Housing | York Region | $16,000 | Continue to provide recreation and other rehabilitative activities to those with serious mental illness, including people living on low income or more isolated due to COVID restrictions. |
Hong Fook Mental Health Association | Toronto, York Region | $39,000 | Facilitate digital access to mental health services and resources for Chinese, Southeast Asian and Korean families. |
Indus Community Services | Peel | $35,000 | Provide urgent community support to racialized communities, families, newcomers, seniors and internal staff impacted by COVID-19, residing in rural and remote areas. |
Interim Place | Peel | $40,000 | Provide food, gifts, and essential items over the holidays to survivors of gender-based violence facing financial strain due to COVID-19. |
Islamic Foundation of Toronto | Toronto | $45,000 | Provide cooked food packages, food baskets, health management online sessions and telephone calls to isolated seniors living in poverty. |
Jane Alliance Neighbourhood Services | Toronto | $32,672 | Continue to deliver food to isolated seniors with restricted mobility challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Job Skills | Peel, York Region | $29,548 | Loan laptops with reliable WIFI hotspot access, and provide social supports and computer literacy, benefiting people living on low income and racialized communities. |
KCWA Family and Social Services | GTA | $33,500 | Expand project supporting seniors, elders, people living on low income, as well as those in the Korean community,with check-in calls, virtual meetings, prepared meals and delivery of medication and essentials. |
Korean Canadian Cultural Association of Metropolitan Toronto | GTA | $20,000 | Expand project providing essential services for ethnic Korean Canadians, seniors, elders, people living in poverty and people with disabilities. |
La Passerelle-I.D.E. | Toronto | $46,011 | Provide culturally appropriate activities such as food delivery and customized virtual counselling sessions for French-speaking immigrants, including those living on low income. |
LAMP Community Health Centre | Toronto | $46,870 | Support homeless and precariously housed clients who are experiencing homelessness and living on low income. |
Lao Association of Ontario | Toronto | $18,000 | Provide essential cultural food care baskets to Southeast Asian communities, seniors, elders or people with low income or living in poverty in Toronto. |
Living Water Counselling Centre | GTA | $39,747 | Expand project providing culturally appropriate tele-counselling and psychotherapy to Chinese communities and newcomers. |
Lumacare | Toronto | $100,000 | Expand project supporting food security of vulnerable communties including seniors, elders, people iving on lowi income and racialized communities. |
Macaulay Child Development Centre | Toronto | $25,080 | Deliver fresh food boxes and provide virtual workshops on culturally responsive, healthy cooking. |
Madison Community Services | Toronto | $17,605 | Continue to support access to healthy food resources for seniors, elders, people living on low income and people living with mental illness. |
Maggie’s Toronto Sex Workers Action Project | Toronto | $35,000 | Enable harm reduction workers to distribute emergency winter supplies to people who are unhoused. |
Malvern Family Resource Centre | Toronto | $16,504 | Malvern Family Resource Centre will provide support for women, girls and racialized individuals in Toronto who are in abusive relationships or experiencing trauma from abusive relationships. |
Matthew House Refugee Services Toronto | Toronto | $45,000 | Share resources to best support vulnerable refugees in during the COVID crisis. |
Midaynta Community Services | Toronto | $25,000 | Raise mental health awareness and advocate for community inclusivity for Black communities in living on low income. |
Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre | Toronto | $24,000 | Provide virtual social, cultural, and wellness programming during the winter to seniors and elders living in poverty and isolation. |
Moeen Centre for the Physically Disabled and Developmentally Challenged | Toronto | $32,370 | Provide virtual social interaction and structured activities for young adults living with disabilities, specifically those who are newcomers, from immigrant populations and racialized communities. |
Moorelands Community Services | Toronto | $40,000 | Purchase supplies to assemble and deliver baby bundles to financially-marginalized moms, newborns, people living on low income and racialized communities. |
National Zakat Foundation | Toronto | $40,000 | Continue to provide shelter, casework, counselling and childcare supports for vulnerable Muslim women, including those experiencing trauma and homelessness, living in poverty, refugees and people with no status. |
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto | Toronto | $30,000 | Hire a full-time case manager to support high-risk vulnerable Aboriginal caregivers and families in who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. |
North York Community House | Toronto | $95,510 | Enable vulnerable residents, including people living on low income or from racialized communities, to access emergency food supports. |
Oasis Centre des femmes Inc. | Peel, Toronto | $42,035 | Expand project to provide capacity-building activities for Francophone women, including refugees, newcomers, immigrants, and individuals without status who are experiencing or at risk of gender based violence. |
Overcomer Community Development Center (OCDC) | Peel | $44,000 | Mitigate the impact of school closures on children and youth living on low income or from African communities by continuing to provide programs and services. |
Parents Engaged in Education | Toronto | $35,000 | Continue to support the learning and mental health needs of children, youth and families in Toronto who are living in poverty, including racialized communities. |
Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre | Toronto | $27,000 | Increase technological capacity and internet equipment to shift programming online, to support people experiencing homelessness, living with mental illness and living on low income. |
Peel Career Assessment Services Inc | Peel, Toronto | $36,687 | Modify services to provide virtual career assessment to racialized communities and newcomers in urban and rural areas. |
Peel Multicultural Council | Peel | $45,000 | Provide the necessities of life during the pandemic to seniors, elders and newcomers of South Asian, Black, East Asian and other racialized communities. |
Penny Appeal Canada | Peel | $36,052 | Provide virtual food preparation experience with a professional chef to support the creation of healthy food options for children, youth, people living on low income and South Asian communities. |
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services | Peel | $20,698 | Provide refurbished computers and tablets and improve the digital skills of refugees, newcomers, and immigrants who are living on a low income. |
Positive Community Development | Toronto, York Region | $37,000 | Continue to provide culturally appropriate foods, language specific information and resources, and access to technology, supporting vulnerable communities facing domestic violence, including people living with mental illness and racialized communities. |
Punjabi Community Health Services | Peel | $50,000 | Provide a meal delivery service to seniors, elders, people living on low income and South Asian communities. |
R.I.S.E. Arts and Community Services | Toronto | $35,000 | Partner with BIPOC mental health professionals to provide group and individual therapy to children, youth, and people living on low income. |
Regent Park Community Health Centre | Toronto | $40,000 | Expand project providing health care services to people experiencing homelessness, marginalized children, youth, and people experiencing multiple systemic barriers during COVID-19. |
ResQ Youth International Incorporated | Peel | $50,000 | Expanding culinary training program which prepares youth for employment and supports those who’ve been detained or incarcarated, as well as Black youth. |
Rexdale Women’s Centre | Toronto | $50,000 | Expand project providing vegetarian, vegan, cultural and special dietary needs foods for vulnerable households, including seniors, elders, people living on low income and persons with disabilities. |
Richmond Hill Community Food Bank | York Region | $8,662 | Purchase additional leased space and supplies to provide temporary indoor COVID social distancing for Food Bank winter service, supporting people living on low income. |
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre | Toronto | $40,000 | Hire a digital literacy coordinator to increase the capacity of program staff and skills of women accessing services, including women living on low income, newcomers and those experiencing gender-based violence. |
Roots Community Services Inc | Peel | $40,000 | Retrofit office to enable continued delivery ofquality services to clients that are Black, African and/or Caribbean. |
Sanctuary Ministries of Toronto | Toronto | $30,000 | Provide tents, sleeping bags, and winter survival supplies to people experiencing homelessness, people struggling with addiction and persons with disabilities. |
Seeds of Hope Foundation | GTA | $50,000 | Expand project delivering portable meals, essential kits and access to washrooms, computers/phones, and mental health first-aid, including people experiencing homelessness, living on low income, and from racialized communities. |
Senior Tamils Society of Peel | Peel | $35,000 | Expand project providing food resources, health information and access to essential services, mental health services and virtual programs, supporting seniors, elders, people living on low income and South Asian communities. |
Services and Housing In the Province (SHIP) | Peel | $33,330 | Provide community wellness resources and perishable and non-perishable food security kits to people experiencing homelessness, living on low income and people living with mental illness. |
Silent Voice Canada | Toronto, Peel | $10,000 | Support navigation of information dissemination and service provision regarding the Covid-19 pandemic in American Sign Language, to assist those with disabilities including members of the deaf community. |
Skills for Change | GTA | $20,000 | Improve resiliency of newcomer youth affected by the pandemic by providing online resources to support counseling and referral services, as well as mental health and well being supports. |
SMILE Canada – Support Services | Toronto | $11,950 | Deliver winter tool kits to support families with children, youth with disabilities, and people living on low income. |
SoundCheck Youth Arts | Toronto | $17,028 | Support the well-being, resiliency and social inclusion amongst black youth and musicians impacted by Covid-19, through black-led music workshops informed by anti-black racism practice. |
South Asian Women’s Centre | Toronto | $39,744 | Hire staff to provide counselling support and cleaning services and coordinate grocery support for people living on low income, experiencing domestic or gender-based violence and women and girls. |
St. John the Compassionate Mission | Toronto | $20,000 | Provide no-charge professional counselling services to people who come to St. John’s Mission, including people experiencing homelessness, newcomers, and women and girls. |
St. Philip’s Evangelical Lutheran Church | Toronto | $32,000 | Deliver fresh produce boxes and grocery gift cards paired with food education material to children, youth, seniors, elders and people living on low income. |
Start2Finish Canada | Peel, Toronto | $31,300 | Provide trauma-informed mentoring and learning support for children and youth, people living on low income and racialized communities. |
Street Health Community Nursing Foundation | Toronto | $31,500 | Provide health and winter supplies to people in Toronto experiencing homelessness, people living on low income and people struggling with addiction. |
Tamil Canadian Centre for Civic Action | GTA | $10,000 | Expand project providing support with finding necessary information, resources, support and networks for Tamil Canadian community. |
Thamil Poonka School & Daycare Centre | Toronto, York Region | $20,000 | Support Tamil seniors mental and physical well-being through group and one-on-one support, andwell as engage youth in program and resource delivery. |
The 519 | Toronto | $30,000 | Pivot existing social enterprise model to use food production infrastructure to provide food to people with living on low income, newcomers and members of LGBTQS+ communities.. |
The Canada-International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) | Toronto | $30,000 | Expand project providing peer support, a digital platform and human resource solutions and services to address mental health needs, supporting people living on low income, Indigenous and racialized communities. |
The Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples | Toronto | $24,104 | Provide community-led information, skill-building workshops, delivery of food and check-ins, supporting Spanish-speaking seniors and women who have experienced gender-based violence, including those of Mexican, Central and South American descent. |
The Dale Ministries | Toronto | $13,760 | Continue pandemic response through winter with increased outreach and supply of food and hygiene by mobile unit, supporting people experiencing homelessness, living on low income and those living with mental illness. |
The Dorothy Ley Hospice | Toronto | $30,000 | Continue providing educational support to individuals experiencing grief and loss due to COVID-19, including seniors, elders, essential workers and caregivers. |
The Georgina Communtiy Food Pantry | York Region | $10,000 | Expand project providing breakfast bags to children, specifically those experiencing food insecurity and living on low income. |
The Redwood | Toronto | $40,000 | Develop focused responses that address the unique impact of COVID-19 on women ad girls from Black communities within the dual contexts of Gender-Based-Violence and Anti-Black Racism. |
The Safehaven Project for Community Living | Toronto, York Region | $11,500 | Address the increasing isolation experienced by medically-complex clients with disabilities through increased engagement and program delivery leveraging digital platforms. |
The Salvation Army Mississauga Community & Family Services | Peel | $25,000 | Purchase nutritious and culturally-appropriate food items for families experiencing food insecurity, including children, youth, seniors and elders. |
The Stop Community Food Centre | Toronto | $40,000 | Expand project providing meal program to seniors, elders, people living on low income and newcomers. |
Thorncliffe Park Women’s Comnmittee | Toronto | $30,000 | Provide healthy, nutritious and culturally- appropriate meals and local employment opportunities to people living on low income, including racialized communities and newcomers. |
TNO-The Neighbourhood Organization | Toronto | $100,000 | Expand bulk buying food project sustaining emergency food programs at reduced rates and supporting seniors, elders, people living on low income and newcomers. |
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority | York Region, Peel | $30,000 | Utilize kitchens and staff at education field centres to provide healthy and nutritious food to vulnerable community groups and individuals, including people experiencing homelessness and domestic or gender-based violence. |
Toronto East Seventh-Day Adventist Church | Toronto | $20,000 | Provide food and clothing to people in Toronto living on low income, Indigenous people and Caribbean-Black community. |
Toronto Foundation for Student Success | Toronto | $30,000 | Expand project providing emergency meals to high school students who are living on low income, including racialized communities. |
Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation | Toronto | $30,000 | Expand project delivering essential items such as PPE to seniors living on low income, including racialized communities. |
Trails Youth Initiatives, Inc. | Toronto, York Region | $8,820 | Provide COVID-specific essentials to children, youth, people living on low income and Black communtiies. |
Trinity United Church | York Region | $9,825 | Expand project providing hot-meal takeout service to people experiencing homelessness, living on low income and those who have recently lost employment. |
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto | Toronto, York Region | $40,000 | Expand project providing food support for individuals and families experiencing food insecurity related to COVID-19, including children, youth, seniors, elders, and people living on low income. |
Urban Alliance on Race Relations | Toronto | $6,000 | Provide service coordination and information sharing amongst pandemic responsive services for South Asians, including newcomers and those living on low income. |
Urban Squash Toronto | Toronto | $30,000 | Deliver mental health, food security, and volunteer programs to underserved racialized youth, including people living on low income. |
VHA Home HealthCare | Toronto | $36,823 | Expand project offering home services to enable people to remain housed, including clutter/hoarding reduction, extreme cleaning and caregiver support for seniors, elders, people living on low income and those with mental illness. |
Vietnamese Women’s Association of Toronto o/a VWAT Family Services | GTA | $20,176 | Provide PPE supplies to essential workers, including those living on low income and newcomers. |
Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | $23,488 | Expansion of project offering emotional support, assistance navigating the social services system and referrals for those living on low income, with mental illness and racialized communities. |
Weston Frontlines Centre | Toronto | $58,000 | Offer a training and internship program to Black and African youth. |
Wigwamen Incorporated | Toronto | $40,000 | Continue enhanced cleaning services, provision of cleaning supplies and protective equipment to support seniors, elders, people living on low income and Indigenous people. |
Working Women Community Centre | Toronto | $81,529 | Support grassroots groups in distributing food to vulnerable people, including those living on low income and racialized communities. |
Yellow Brick House | York Region | $50,000 | Physically modify community counselling and support facility to assist people living on low income, as well as people experiencing domestic or gender-based violence. |
Yonge Street Mission | Toronto | $33,600 | Provide food relief to individuals and families living on low income and struggling amid the COVID-19 crisis, supporting children, youth and racialized communities. |
York North Family Resource Programmes | York Region | $2,000 | York North Family Resource Programmes will provide online programming that will support children, youth, women and girls in the rural areas of York Region. |
York Region Food Network | York Region | $14,400 | Expand project packing and delivering Good Food Boxes to seniors, people living on low income and newcomers. |
York Region Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers | York Region | $48,700 | Expand project providing emergency family care packages including food, grocery cards, baby nutrition and diapers to vulnerable, marginalized youth mothers and children. |
York-Fairbank Centre for Seniors | Toronto | $17,600 | Increase access to healthy food sources and provide medications, medical supplies and community resources to seniors, elders, racialized communities and caregivers. |
Yorktown Family Services | Toronto | $40,000 | Yorktown Family Services will provide food, hygiene items and winter clothes to people in Toronto with low income or living in poverty, people living with mental illness and racialized communities. |
YWCA Toronto | Toronto | $38,627 | Enhance hygiene and sanitation across YWCA Toronto’s essential shelter and housing locations to ensure health and safety of residents and front-line staff during COVID-19. |
Agency | Region | Description |
Active Adult Centre of Mississauga — Trusteed by MIAG Centre for Diverse Women & Families | Peel | Increases number and frequency of virtual supports for isolated seniors to improve mental wellbeing. |
Afghan Women’s Organization | Toronto | Provides weekly virtual sharing circles to reduce isolation and provide information about COVID-19. The program will also provide basic hygiene supplies for isolated senior women. |
Anishnawbe Health Toronto | Toronto | Provides nutritious groceries to vulnerable Indigenous seniors and grocery cards to those who are mobile. |
Bangladesh Centre and Community Services (BCCS) — Trusteed by Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | Provides bi-weekly delivery of groceries and other supplies to isolated seniors in the Bangladeshi community. |
Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services (BCS) — Trusteed by TNO – The Neighbourhood Organization | Toronto | Increases online supports to improve connection and mental health, and continues regular seniors programming remotely. |
Caledon Community Services | Peel | Modifies current programming to include virtual visits and increased support during home visits (including meals, groceries, medication, and cognitive and social programming) and uses existing infrastructure to deliver food across rural areas. Also helps sustain transportation services in a program that is struggling in a fee-for-service model. |
Canadian South Asian Growth and Support Services (CSAGSS) — Trusteed by Working Women Community Centre | Toronto | Provides culturally appropriate food to isolated seniors of the South Asian community. |
Carefirst Seniors & Community Services Association | Toronto | Keeps isolated, vulnerable seniors and marginalized individuals safe and supported by delivering meals, groceries, medication and other essential items, as well as providing transportation, counselling support and care coordination. |
Centre for Immigrant and Community Services | York Region | Provides nutritious meals designed by a qualified dietician, and delivery of packaged groceries to isolated Chinese seniors. |
Centre francophone du Grand Toronto | Peel | Provides hot meals, food, and vitamins to isolated Francophone seniors. |
CHATS-Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | York Region | Provides food and other essentials, and offers adapted outreach and referral services for needs assessment and mental health supports. |
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation | York Region | Provides grocery cards and transportation for Elders and senior residents of Georgian Island to purchase food and pick up medication. |
Circle of Care | Toronto | Enables expansion of the Meals on Wheels program to include additional food and essential items. |
CNIB Foundation | Toronto | Expands program for seniors experiencing vision loss to address food insecurity arising from COVID-19. Includes phone check-ins, shopping by volunteers and financial assistance for groceries. |
COSTI | Toronto | Provides delivery of meals and groceries to isolated, low-income seniors. |
Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) — Trusteed by Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention | GTA | Delivers 200 food packages to low-income, racialized seniors. |
CultureLink Settlement and Community Services | Toronto | Ensures vulnerable newcomer seniors have access to groceries and other essentials, and provides a virtual platform for access to programming. |
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto | Toronto | Develops online training modules for volunteer recruitment and training, and enables expansion of services as demand for calls and online support grows. |
Eden Food for Change | Peel | Expands meal provision in response to growing demand and addresses the need for additional packaging, refrigeration and food processing. |
Family Service Toronto | Toronto | Translates services to an online format for virtual support, designed to reduce isolation and improve mental health. |
Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes (GDNP Homes) — Trusteed by Na-Me-Res | Toronto | Provides grocery cards, delivery and transitional supports, including PPE, as well as cultural and spiritual support for Indigenous clients, staff and volunteers. |
Homes First Society | Toronto | Delivers meals to clients of the supportive housing agency. |
Hospice Georgina | York Region | Provides additional staff to address growing need for phone-based grief and other forms of counselling, and to support food, technology, transportation and medication needs where identified. |
Indus Community Services | Peel | Provides tablets and home activity kits to ensure seniors maintain virtual connection and access online programming. |
Islamic Centre of Markham — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | York Region | Provides culturally relevant in-home support for Islamic seniors, including food, cleaning supplies, and medication. |
Islamic Institute of Toronto — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Toronto | Provides a virtual platform for needs assessment and mental health supports, as well as delivery of medication, food and other essential items. |
Islamic Society of Markham — Trusteed by International Development and Relief Foundation | Peel | Provides transportation, food, protective and sanitation supplies, medication and other home care services for Islamic/South Asian seniors. |
Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre | Toronto | Provides access to healthy, culturally-appropriate food, in addition to wrap-around health and social supports. |
Jewish Family & Child Service of Greater Toronto | GTA | Enables expansion of Meals on Wheels services to increase frequency and include emergency food kits and sanitary products for vulnerable seniors of the Jewish community who have kosher dietary restrictions. |
KCWA Family and Social Services — Trusteed by Unison Health and Community Services | Toronto | Provides virtual check-ins, meal and grocery delivery and support with other essentials to Korean seniors in their mother tongue. |
Knights Table | Peel | Enables expansion of current food security program to respond to increased demand for groceries for isolated seniors. |
Loyola Arrupe Centre for Seniors — Trusteed by Storefront Humber Inc. | Toronto | Delivers meals, food hampers and essentials to vulnerable isolated seniors. |
Malton Neighbourhood Services | Peel | Enables adaptation of programming to offer virtual supports to seniors who are isolated and struggling with mental health issues, and expand to deliver culturally-appropriate food items. |
Malvern Family Resource Centre | Toronto | Increases virtual programming for isolated seniors in Malvern and North East Scarborough. to include mental health and physical wellbeing supports and needs assessment. |
Punjabi Community Health Services | Peel | Expands culturally-relevant food delivery to frail South Asian seniors, and offers increased support of medication delivery, incontinence and hygiene kits, as well as virtual support. |
Reena — Trusteed by Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living | York Region | Provides one kosher meal per day to seniors with intellectual disabilities who live alone and enables increased telephone access to social workers. |
Roots Community Services Inc. — Trusteed by Caledon Meals on Wheels | Peel | Provides hot meal delivery twice a week for vulnerable seniors from the Black, African and Caribbean population. |
Routes Connecting Communities Inc. — Trusteed by CHATS-Community & Home Assistance to Seniors | York Region | Addresses social isolation and food security by providing hot meals and friendly phone calls to vulnerable seniors in Georgina. |
Senior Tamils Society of Peel — Trusteed by MIAG Centre for Diverse Women & Families | Peel | Delivers groceries, culturally-appropriate hot meals and sanitization supplies to Tamil seniors. |
Seniors Services Network | York Region | Enables adaptation of current services for virtual delivery via Zoom, WhatsApp and other language-specific apps. |
Services and Housing in the Province | Peel | Provides tablets and new virtual programming to address isolation. |
South Riverdale Community Health Centre | Toronto | Enables expansion of programming to provide virtual services and culturally appropriate meal delivery for immobile seniors and grocery cards for others. |
SPRINT Senior Care | Toronto | Provides meal and grocery delivery, as well as virtual wellness checks for vulnerable seniors. |
Syme-Woolner Neighbourhood and Family Centre | Toronto | Enables adaptation of services to a virtual format to ensure seniors stay socially connected, receive food delivery, prescription assistance and transportation to medical appointments. |
The 519 | Toronto | Enables expansion of the agency’s Friendly Phone program to meet the growing need for social connection, and to support access to other required services. |
TNO – The Neighbourhood Organization | Toronto | Provides emergency food hampers for vulnerable seniors from equity-seeking groups residing in underserved areas (Flemingdon Park, Thorncliffe Park and St. James Town). |
Vaughan African Canadian Association — Trusteed by Delta Family Resource Centre | York Region | Provides culturally relevant meal delivery service for Caribbean and African seniors. |
Warden Woods Community Centre | Toronto | Provides culturally-specific food as well as medical and hygiene supplies for isolated seniors. |
WellFort Community Health Services | Peel | Delivers food hampers and/or vouchers to vulnerable and racialized seniors in Malton and Brampton. |
Wigwamen Incorporated — Trusteed by Na-Me-Res | Toronto | Provides grocery cards and pickup and delivery services to Indigenous senior residents of Wigwamen Terrace and throughout Toronto. |
York Hispanic Centre — Trusteed by Reconnect Community Health Services | York Region | Provides delivery of emergency food baskets to isolated seniors. |
Agency | Region | Description |
360°kids | Richmond Hill, Markham | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
360°kids | Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaughan | Covers additional costs for signage and health and safety needs as programs re-open. |
360°kids | York Region | Provides wrap-around services for youth self-isolating in a transitional shelter. |
Addiction Services of York Region | York Region | Extends food hamper program for people struggling with addiction. |
Addiction Services of York Region | York Region | Enables bulk buying of winter clothing and other basics for people experiencing homelessness. |
Addiction Services of York Region | York Region | Provides digital devices for access to online programming. |
Blue Door Support Services | East Gwillimbury | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
Blue Door Support Services | York Region | Provides grocery cards and tablets for seniors recently moved from shelters to permanent housing. |
Blue Door Support Services | York Region | Engages landlords and a Housing First approach to rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families. Collaborative including 360 Kids, Salvation Army, Sandgate Women’s Shelter, Yellow Brick House, CMHA-York Region and LOFT Community Services |
Blue Door Support Services | East Gwillimbury, Newmarket | Provides cribs and playpens for family shelter, as well as grocery gift cards and digital devices for people to connect to online services including mental health supports. |
Blue Door Support Services | Markham | Offers individual support with housing plans, applications, securing income and completing assessments for permanent, supportive housing. |
Canadian Mental Health Association – York and South Simcoe | York Region | Supports the emotional wellness and mental health of individuals staying in the emergency housing system with two mental health outreach workers providing one on one support and where necessary, access to psychiatric services. |
Georgina Community Food Pantry | Georgina | Determines appropriate housing supports and referrals for clients, including enhanced food supports. |
Inn from the Cold | Newmarket | Supports temporary essential services for those sleeping rough, including showers and toilets, hygiene supplies, meals and staff. |
Inn from the Cold | Newmarket | Provides positive social inclusion opportunities for people experiencing homelessness, including art therapy, yoga, personal care and telephone check-ins. |
Inn from the Cold | York Region | As part of the Landlord Collaborative project, the housing worker assists clients in securing housing, helping with forms and applications. |
Inn from the Cold | York Region | Extends housing worker contract to support individuals in securing permanent housing. |
Inn from the Cold | Newmarket | Supports a 24/7 shelter and drop-by program offering shelter and basic needs including meals to 25 people daily. |
Jewish Russian Community Centre (Furniture Bank) | York Region | Collects and delivers donated furniture to families in need. |
John Howard Society of York Region | York Region | Expands Reintegration Program on evenings and weekends for urgent needs of those recently returning to community |
John Howard Society of York Region | York Region | Provides seasonal clothing, PPE and food support when returning to community. |
Loft Community Services | York Region | Supports full-capacity 7 days/week outreach including staffing, food, personal and outdoor essentials. |
Loft Community Services | York Region | Provides access to showers, bathroom, hygiene supplies, hot and take away meals, support staff and other services. |
MOSAIC Interfaith Out of the Cold | Markham | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
MOSAIC Interfaith Out of the Cold | Markham, Richmond Hill | Provides indoor portable shower for people sleeping rough. |
Richmond Hill Drop-by | Richmond Hill | Implements temporary services to those sleeping rough: access to showers, bathroom, hygiene supplies, a hot meal and take away meal, and staff for referrals. |
Salvation Army York Housing and Support Services | Sutton, Newmarket | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
Salvation Army York Housing and Support Services | York Region | Provides second stage housing and wrap-around supports, including case management to individuals leaving transitional shelter. |
Salvation Army York Housing and Support Services | Sutton | Returns shelter to full capacity by constructing four pods in each room. |
Sandgate Women’s Shelter | Sutton, Newmarket | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
Sandgate Women’s Shelter and Yellow Brick House | York Region | Establishes a transitional shelter for women and their children fleeing violence and needing to isolate before transitioning into shelter system or housing. |
Sandgate Women’s Shelter | York Region | Increases access to basic needs and supports for women and children in isolation and impacted by intimate partner violence. |
The Regional Municipality of York | York Region | Provides tablets to individuals in isolation so they can continue to receive virtual support. |
The Regional Municipality of York | East Gwillimbury | Provides hotel rooms for families. thereby freeing up space for transitional shelter and to meet social distancing measures. |
The Regional Municipality of York | York Region | Builds upon existing community outreach with additional workers dedicated to emerging encampment areas to provide focused support and housing. |
The Regional Municipality of York | York Region | Support housing stabilization for people not receiving government financial assistance, by helping with first and last month’s rent, security deposits, moving costs, etc. |
Trinity United Church | Newmarket | Faith collaborative provides meals five nights/week for people experiencing homelessness. |
Yellow Brick House | Aurora, Markham | Provides wage compensation to frontline staff in shelters, recognizing the greater risk to exposure to COVID-19 and stabilizing staffing. |
Yellow Brick House | York Region | Funds housing workers providing wrap-around supports for women and children moving from VAW Transitional Shelter. |
York Region Centre for Community Safety | York Region | Extends case management services to reduce wait list at a time when there is greater need in the violence against women sector. |