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About Us

Strengthening Peel, Toronto and York Region

 We fight local poverty by supporting the people impacted by it and the neighbourhoods they live in. We do this by building and strengthening a network of 280 community agencies that is the GTA’s social safety net. As we recover and rebuild from the pandemic, we’re on the ground in Peel, Toronto and York Region ensuring our friends and neighbours have the support and resources they need to not just survive, but thrive. Our work is rooted in ground-breaking research, strategic leadership, local advocacy and cross-sectoral partnerships committed to building equitable and lasting solutions to urgent and ongoing challenges related to poverty and other unignorable issues.  

A Country-Wide Community

United Way is a worldwide not-for-profit movement. In Canada, we operate in more than 100 communities. Each United Way raises support locally, directly responding to local needs. Each is governed by an autonomous Board of Directors that, along with staff and volunteers, helps to build a caring community.

Our Commitment

We vow to be responsible stewards of your investment. Our combined fundraising and administration costs are well below the CRA-recommended 35%.

Careers at United Way

Are you interested in joining a team that is driven and committed to creating a positive and lasting impact, right here in the GTA?

“I value the friendly non-judgmental culture of United Way where inclusivity is practiced and everyone is integrated, like family.”

–  Robert Jenkins, United Way Staff

See our career opportunities

Learn More About Us

United Way is committed to fighting local poverty, and growing the GTA’s social safety net. Click the images below to learn more about our organization, our stewardship, and the ways we provide much-needed support to hundreds of thousands of people in our community.